Depth—Core Life Training for Men  *2025 Advanced Men’s Group*
to Sep 2

Depth—Core Life Training for Men *2025 Advanced Men’s Group*

What is a deep, thriving, and truly inspired life?
Uncover the life-changing power of love and consciousness already at your core.

Clarify and master your life purpose in the company of men who call forth the best in each other.

Learn how to personify trust and clarity in your challenges with women, work, and sexual desire.

Experience yogic practices that reveal your authentic depth and power, already present at your core.

Stop bypassing what you most desire—discover embodied spiritual and sexual sovereignty.

What you will learn:

  • step-by-step foundational practices in meditation, yogic embodiment, and sexual yoga

  • subtly resolve life’s most difficult challenges by actual practice (not theory and discussion)

  • release compulsive emotions and transcend the hidden causes of emotional distress

  • turn sexual pleasure, solo or in partnership, into a vehicle of spiritual awakening

  • create an atmosphere of trust at work and home

  • how to create an intimacy that can deepen and flourish over the vicissitudes of time

  • clarify your purpose and align your life to what matters most

  • transcend being a slave to your turn-on and transmute sexual energy into power available in all areas of your life

  • how to consciously communicate depth, power, and love through your body

  • transform addictive masturbation and porn habits into a spiritual, sexual yoga practice that develops your capacity to have deeply connected sex with your partner

  • live in alignment with your real depth and integrity, not by artificial tricks or extra effort

  • establish a personal relationship with death that empowers and frees you

  • comprehensive practices to develop your multi-orgasmic potential, and how to guide your lover into deep surrender and pleasure beyond their wildest imagination

This program is challenging, pragmatic,
and customized for you.

What is included in the program:

  • Fourteen 150-minute Men’s Group Meetings. (The Zoom video calls will be recorded and made available to participants in this program.)

  • Guided meditations and yogic practices specifically designed for men and male bodies

  • Seven monthly 90-minute group “Office Hours” meetings with Christopher to answer your personal questions and go into more detail on practices and situations you are facing.

  • A private online group for questions, feedback, and practice progress updates.

  • Accountability partners to keep you on track.

  • Group reading of David Deida’s book, Blue Truth: A Spiritual Guide to Life & Death and Love & Sex, with practices and personal assignments to reveal the deepest truth of your own life.

There is power in brotherhood.

Join with other men committed to depth and living with purpose and integrity.

Life mastery is not achieved in solitude.

Space is limited and available by application only.

$1200 program Tuition


$1800 Program Tuition with 3 private 1:1 coaching sessions
($375 savings)

For questions or more information, contact


6:00-8:30PM DENVER; 8:00-10:30 PM NEW YORK;
5:00-7:30 PM LOS ANGELES; 3:00-5:30 PM Hawai'i


Group Meetings (6:00-8:30PM Denver)

  • March 4, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • March 18, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • April 1, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • April 15, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • April 29, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • May 13, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • May 27, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • June 10, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • June 24, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • July 8, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • July 22, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • August 5, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • August 19, 2025 - Group Meeting
  • September 2, 2025 - Group Meeting

Office Hours Meetings (6:00-7:30pm Denver)

  • March 11, 2025 - Office Hours
  • April 8, 2025 - Office Hours
  • May 6, 2025 - Office Hours
  • June 17, 2025 - Office Hours
  • July 15, 2025 - Office Hours
  • August 12, 2025 - Office Hours
  • August 26, 2025. - Office Hours
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Depth & Desire—Spring Tantric Workshop
to Jun 1

Depth & Desire—Spring Tantric Workshop

  • Una Vida Meditation & Movement (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Skills for a night… and a lifetime.

Embodied shared passion is one of the most profound and meaningful experiences for us as humans. Love and intimacy are at the core of our primal life force. How can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being? How can you do this with safety and honesty, while navigating moment to moment changing cues from your partner, and develop greater trust in the innate intelligence of your body? Come to this workshop and learn how.

Love and physical intimacy can be practiced and deepened as a fulfilling art - few people work to expand their capacities in this area. Tantra, as explored in this workshop, is based upon Taoist and Buddhist esoteric practices, which reveal the never-ending dance between form and consciousness, yin and yang, responsive nature, and skillful action. These tantric practices tell the truth already present in your heart and indicate how to express it through your body. Tantric intimacy can be a path of spiritual realization for all those who yearn to awaken and be free, while still being fully present and highly functioning in the world. 

Reading books and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice with real partners. In this workshop, you will learn through exercises designed to stretch and grow your capacity to conduct energy and communicate love. Come practice with others who are also committed to expanding and learning in real deep intimacy.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Learn practices to move energy through your and your partner’s bodies using breath, consciousness, and relaxation

  • Embrace and embody Masculine and Feminine energies from the dark to the light

  • Expand your capacity to feel and remain open and connected as love, even in moments which are challenging or intense

  • Practice artfully expressing any emotion—anger, sorrow, fear, lust – with an open heart

  • Experience deep energetic intimacy through connected breathing- opening the body, heart, and soul

  • Discover how your turn-on is intimately linked to your spiritual awareness

  • Awaken and access the wisdom already present in your body to guide, nurture, inspire and delight yourself and those around you


Friday, May 30: 7pm-10pm

Saturday, May 31: 10am-10pm

Sunday, June 1: 10am-4pm

Come practice with others who are also committed to growing and learning in true deep intimacy.

Space is limited and available by application only, so we encourage you to apply early.

Application is required before your admission is confirmed.
If not admitted, your ticket price will be refunded in full.

This workshop is a safe place to practice and learn, whether you are single, married, or in a relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. There is no nudity. You will be held in a superlative container of safety. The work and practices are challenging, as well as fun. Committed partnerships are honored, and there is plenty of time to practice with your partner, as well as when you can practice with other people. The workshop is inclusive for all genders and sexual orientations, although we will explicitly practice embodying masculine and feminine energies.

$999 EARLY ENROLLMENT DISCOUNT (for past attendees only)
Must be paid by April 20

$1100 early-bird enrollment discount
must be paid by April 20

$1300 Normal admission

Space is limited. This event will sell out.
Apply early to ensure availability.

For questions or more information, contact


Your teachers

Christopher Sunyata mentors individuals and couples in intimacy, sexuality, and practical spiritual realization. Conscious intimacy can be a profound sacred practice that awakens, revives, and deepens relationships, empowering individual purpose and integrity. He teaches how to do this, enabling a life of connection, energy, and meaning. 

Drawing upon decades of practice and study under masters of tantric yoga and Buddhist meditation, he transmits how to embody and live as love amidst the challenges of modern life. Prior to teaching, he was an international project manager responsible for over a billion dollars in revenue, a medical device engineer with seven patents, and a ceramic artist. He has parented four children, including one who has significant disabilities. He lives in Boulder, Colorado, and on the island of Molokai with his wife, Karlene who co-teaches with him.

Ali has studied for the past 15 years with outstanding teachers in sexual yoga, embodied dance, and deep, lasting intimacy. Ali is a licensed S Factor teacher and 10-year pole dance veteran: a semi-retired CEO, athlete, philanthropist, and devoted wife. Women are born with innate gifts of sensuality, emotionality, intuition, and life force. Over the years, life experiences can mute and cage our natural strengths and desires. Sensual Embodied Dance invites and guides the body back to her native purpose—to move, emote, communicate, and connect. Come to know yourself as the beautiful, powerful, magnificent being you were born as.

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Depth & Desire—Fall Tantric Workshop
to Nov 17

Depth & Desire—Fall Tantric Workshop

  • Una Vida Meditation & Movement (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Skills for a night… and a lifetime.

Embodied shared passion is one of the most profound and meaningful experiences for us as humans. Love and intimacy are at the core of our primal life force. How can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being? How can you do this with safety and honesty, while navigating moment to moment changing cues from your partner, and develop greater trust in the innate intelligence of your body? Come to this workshop and learn how.

Love and physical intimacy can be practiced and deepened as a fulfilling art - few people work to expand their capacities in this area. Tantra, as explored in this workshop, is based upon Taoist and Buddhist esoteric practices, which reveal the never-ending dance between form and consciousness, yin and yang, responsive nature, and skillful action. These tantric practices tell the truth already present in your heart and indicate how to express it through your body. Tantric intimacy can be a path of spiritual realization for all those who yearn to awaken and be free, while still being fully present and highly functioning in the world. 

Reading books and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice with real partners. In this workshop, you will learn through exercises designed to stretch and grow your capacity to conduct energy and communicate love. Come practice with others who are also committed to expanding and learning in real deep intimacy.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Learn practices to move energy through your and your partner’s bodies using breath, consciousness, and relaxation

  • Embrace and embody Masculine and Feminine energies from the dark to the light

  • Expand your capacity to feel and remain open and connected as love, even in moments which are challenging or intense

  • Practice artfully expressing any emotion—anger, sorrow, fear, lust – with an open heart

  • Experience deep energetic intimacy through connected breathing- opening the body, heart, and soul

  • Discover how your turn-on is intimately linked to your spiritual awareness

  • Awaken and access the wisdom already present in your body to guide, nurture, inspire and delight yourself and those around you


Friday, November 15: 7pm-10pm

Saturday, November 16: 10am-10pm

Sunday, November 17: 10am-4pm

Come practice with others who are also committed to growing and learning in true deep intimacy.

Space is limited and available by application only, so we encourage you to apply early.

Application is required before your admission is confirmed.
If not admitted, your ticket price will be refunded in full.

This workshop is a safe place to practice and learn, whether you are single, married, or in a relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. There is no nudity. You will be held in a superlative container of safety. The work and practices are challenging, as well as fun. Committed partnerships are honored, and there is plenty of time to practice with your partner, as well as when you can practice with other people. The workshop is inclusive for all genders and sexual orientations, although we will explicitly practice embodying masculine and feminine energies.

$999 EARLY ENROLLMENT DISCOUNT (for past attendees only)
Must be paid by August 30

$1100 early-bird enrollment discount
must be paid by October 25

$1300 Normal admission

Space is limited. This event will sell out.
Apply early to ensure availability.

For questions or more information, contact


Your teachers

Christopher Sunyata mentors individuals and couples in intimacy, sexuality, and practical spiritual realization. Conscious intimacy can be a profound sacred practice that awakens, revives, and deepens relationships, empowering individual purpose and integrity. He teaches how to do this, enabling a life of connection, energy, and meaning. 

Drawing upon decades of practice and study under masters of tantric yoga and Buddhist meditation, he transmits how to embody and live as love amidst the challenges of modern life. Prior to teaching, he was an international project manager responsible for over a billion dollars in revenue, a medical device engineer with seven patents, and a ceramic artist. He has parented four children, including one who has significant disabilities. He lives in Boulder, Colorado, and on the island of Molokai with his wife, Karlene who co-teaches with him.

Ali has studied for the past 15 years with outstanding teachers in sexual yoga, embodied dance, and deep, lasting intimacy. Ali is a licensed S Factor teacher and 10-year pole dance veteran: a semi-retired CEO, athlete, philanthropist, and devoted wife. Women are born with innate gifts of sensuality, emotionality, intuition, and life force. Over the years, life experiences can mute and cage our natural strengths and desires. Sensual Embodied Dance invites and guides the body back to her native purpose—to move, emote, communicate, and connect. Come to know yourself as the beautiful, powerful, magnificent being you were born as.

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Art of Deep Connection Coed Evening
7:00 PM19:00

Art of Deep Connection Coed Evening

Embodied shared passion has got to be one of the deepest and most meaningful experiences for us as humans. Love and intimacy are at the core our primal life force. How can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being? How can you do this with safety and honesty, while navigating moment to moment changing cues from your partner?

Love and physical intimacy can be practiced, and deepened as a fulfilling art - few people actually work to expand their capacities in this area. Reading books, and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice with real partners. In these Meetup events you will learn through practices designed to stretch and grow your capacity to conduct pleasure and communicate love. Come practice with others who are also committed to growing and learning in true deep intimacy.

These Meetup events are a safe place to practice and learn, whether you are single, married, or in relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. There is no nudity. The Meetup events are held in a superlative container of safety.

IMPORTANT: The ground-rules for this event are strictly enforced - there is no physical sexual contact permitted. This includes no kissing (even if you are coming with your partner) and no touching of breasts, buttocks or genitals. These ground-rules are to enable safety and clear boundaries and enable the practices to go deeper. Trust is the foundation of all sexual polarity.

PLEASE NOTE: This event requires an equal number of male and female participants for partner practices. If you are the last person to sign up for this event as a single, and an opposite sex partner does not sign up by the day of the event, you may be asked to withdraw from the practice evening. If asked to withdraw, you are entitled to a full refund, or you may allocate your payment towards a future practice evening. To avoid this, be sure to sign up early for all upcoming events.

Email with questions

-- About Christopher Sunyata:
Christopher draws upon his decades of practice and study under masters of sexual yoga, Taoist exercises, and Buddhist meditation. He teaches people how to access their own depth by learning to listen to and trust their body, reclaiming passion and life energy that is their birthright, and creating intimate relationships that deepen in love and chemistry over the years. His specialty is teaching men the secrets of deep sex, including how to bypass ejaculation and discover their own unlimited capacity for multiple orgasms. Learn how intimacy and sex can be the ultimate embodied spiritual practice.

--About Ali Kegley Kole
Ali has studied for the past 15 years with amazing teachers in sexual yoga, embodied dance, and deep lasting intimacy. Ali is a licensed S Factor teacher and 10-year pole dance veteran. A semi-retired CEO, athlete, philanthropist, and devoted wife. Women are born with innate gifts of sensuality, emotionality, intuition, and life force. Over the years, life experiences can mute and cage our natural strengths and desires. Sensual Embodied Dance invites and guides the body back to her native purpose - to move, emote, communicate, and connect. Come to know yourself as the beautiful, powerful magnificent being you were born as.

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Relax/Open/Deepen—Ongoing Men's Group  (8 online meetings through end of 2024)
to Dec 18

Relax/Open/Deepen—Ongoing Men's Group (8 online meetings through end of 2024)

  • Christopher Sunyata (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ongoing support and feedback as you navigate life

Powerful. Simple. Effective. Men’s groups work.
Invest a couple of hours per week in what really motivates and drives your life.

Ground yourself in what matters most to you
Renew stagnant situations in relationships and work
Allocate time so it serves your purpose, health, and relationships

Relax/Open/Deepen Men’s Group Meeting Structure:

  1. Opening Meditation

  2. Two minutes/man Check-in
    (personal space, news & goods, what you want from tonight’s meeting)

  3. Clearings and announcements (if any)

  4. Teachings, discussion topics, Q&A w/ Chris (15-30 minutes)

  5. Personal work (men ask for time, timekeeper adjusts schedule)
    This is the BULK of the meeting time. Men discuss what is going on in their lives and receive feedback and reflection from the other men. 

  6. Closing

In this men’s program, you’ll...

  • Locate and live from the freedom inherent in every situation 

  • Stay on track with manifesting your purpose, backed by brothers who will hold your feet to the fire and help you see things that you can’t see yourself

  • Receive feedback and support to make real changes in your life, not mere words and platitudes

  • Practice how to live in the world, while remaining grounded in your depth.

  • Practical support and invaluable feedback in navigating life from the depth of your heart’s wisdom.



8 group video calls plus:

1) a free private one-hour coaching session with Christopher Sunyata
(for yourself or jointly with your partner), a $325 value
2) Hollow Bamboo Dharma Meditation Course: seven-session recorded video meditation course, a $299 value
3) Guided meditations and yogic practices specifically designed for masculine depth and freedom (these will be recorded and made available for reuse)
4) A private WhatsApp group for questions, feedback, and practice progress updates.
5) Accountability partners to keep you on track.(teachings and Q&A will be recorded and made available to participants in this program.)





To enroll: click “1) Join Now” to register, then click “2) Complete Payment” to pay

COST:   $499

For questions, contact

Video Call Schedule:


6:00-8:00PM DENVER; 8:00-10:00 PM NEW YORK;
5:00-7:00 PM LOS ANGELES; 2:00-4:00PM HAWAI’I

  • September 25
  • October 2
  • October 16
  • October 30
  • November 13
  • November 20
  • December 4
  • December 18
View Event →
Depth & Desire—Tantric Workshop
to Jul 14

Depth & Desire—Tantric Workshop

  • Una Vida Meditation & Movement (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Skills for a night… and a lifetime.

Embodied shared passion is one of the most profound and meaningful experiences for us as humans. Love and intimacy are at the core of our primal life force. How can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being? How can you do this with safety and honesty, while navigating moment to moment changing cues from your partner, and develop greater trust in the innate intelligence of your body? Come to this workshop and learn how.

Love and physical intimacy can be practiced and deepened as a fulfilling art - few people work to expand their capacities in this area. Tantra, as explored in this workshop, is based upon Taoist and Buddhist esoteric practices, which reveal the never-ending dance between form and consciousness, yin and yang, responsive nature, and skillful action. These tantric practices tell the truth already present in your heart and indicate how to express it through your body. Tantric intimacy can be a path of spiritual realization for all those who yearn to awaken and be free, while still being fully present and highly functioning in the world. 

Reading books and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice with real partners. In this workshop, you will learn through exercises designed to stretch and grow your capacity to conduct energy and communicate love. Come practice with others who are also committed to expanding and learning in real deep intimacy.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Learn practices to move energy through your and your partner’s bodies using breath, consciousness, and relaxation

  • Embrace and embody Masculine and Feminine energies from the dark to the light

  • Expand your capacity to feel and remain open and connected as love, even in moments which are challenging or intense

  • Practice artfully expressing any emotion—anger, sorrow, fear, lust – with an open heart

  • Experience deep energetic intimacy through connected breathing- opening the body, heart, and soul

  • Discover how your turn-on is intimately linked to your spiritual awareness

  • Awaken and access the wisdom already present in your body to guide, nurture, inspire and delight yourself and those around you


Friday, July 12: 7pm-10pm

Saturday, July 13: 10am-10pm

Sunday, July 14: 10am-4pm

Come practice with others who are also committed to growing and learning in true deep intimacy. Space is limited and available by application only, so we encourage you to apply early.

Application required before your admission is confirmed. If not admitted your ticket price will be refunded in full.

This workshop is a safe place to practice and learn, whether you are single, married, or in a relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. There is no nudity. You will be held in a superlative container of safety. The work and practices are challenging, as well as fun. Committed partnerships are honored, and there is plenty of time to practice with your partner, as well as times when you will have the option to practice with other people. The workshop is inclusive for all genders and sexual orientations, although we will be explicitly practicing with masculine and feminine energies.


$1200 AFTER JUne 21

For questions or more information, contact

Your teachers

Christopher Sunyata mentors individuals and couples in intimacy, sexuality, and practical spiritual realization. Conscious intimacy can be a profound sacred practice that awakens, revives, and deepens relationships, empowering individual purpose and integrity. He teaches how to do this, enabling a life of connection, energy, and meaning. 

Drawing upon decades of practice and study under masters of tantric yoga and Buddhist meditation, he transmits how to embody and live as love amidst the challenges of modern life. Prior to teaching, he was an international project manager responsible for over a billion dollars in revenue, a medical device engineer with seven patents, and a ceramic artist. He has parented four children, including one who has significant disabilities. He lives in Boulder, Colorado, and on the island of Molokai with his wife, Karlene who co-teaches with him.

Ali has studied for the past 15 years with outstanding teachers in sexual yoga, embodied dance, and deep, lasting intimacy. Ali is a licensed S Factor teacher and 10-year pole dance veteran: a semi-retired CEO, athlete, philanthropist, and devoted wife. Women are born with innate gifts of sensuality, emotionality, intuition, and life force. Over the years, life experiences can mute and cage our natural strengths and desires. Sensual Embodied Dance invites and guides the body back to her native purpose—to move, emote, communicate, and connect. Come to know yourself as the beautiful, powerful, magnificent being you were born as.

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Living Depth—2024 Advanced Men’s Program
to Aug 13

Living Depth—2024 Advanced Men’s Program

What is a deep, thriving, and truly inspired life?
Uncover the life-changing power of love and consciousness already at your core.

Clarify and master your life purpose in the company of men who call forth the best in each other.

Learn how to personify trust and clarity in your challenges with women, work, and sexual desire.

Experience yogic practices that reveal your authentic depth and power, already present at your core.

Stop bypassing what you most desire—discover embodied spiritual and sexual sovereignty.

What you will learn:

  • step-by-step foundational practices in meditation, yogic embodiment, and sexual yoga

  • subtly resolve life’s most difficult challenges by actual practice (not theory and discussion)

  • release compulsive emotions and transcend the hidden causes of emotional distress

  • turn sexual pleasure, solo or in partnership, into a vehicle of spiritual awakening

  • create an atmosphere of trust at work and home

  • how to create an intimacy that can deepen and flourish over the vicissitudes of time

  • clarify your purpose and align your life to what matters most

  • transcend being a slave to your turn-on and transmute sexual energy into power in all areas of life

  • how to consciously communicate depth, power, and love through your body

  • transform addictive masturbation and porn habits into a spiritual, sexual yoga practice that develops your capacity to have deeply connected sex with your partner

  • live in alignment with your depth and integrity, not by artificial tricks or extra effort

  • establish a personal relationship with death that empowers and frees you

  • comprehensive practices to develop your multi-orgasmic potential, and how to guide your lover into deep surrender and pleasure beyond their wildest imagination

This program is challenging, pragmatic,
and customized for you.

What is included in the program:

  • Thirteen 150-minute Men’s Group Meetings. (The Zoom video calls will be recorded and made available to participants in this program.)

  • Guided meditations and yogic practices specifically designed for men and male bodies

  • A private online group for questions, feedback, and practice progress updates.

  • Accountability partners to keep you on track.

  • Group reading of David Deida’s book, Blue Truth: A Spiritual Guide to Life & Death and Love & Sex, with practices and personal assignments to reveal the deepest truth of your own life.

There is power in brotherhood.

Join with other men committed to depth and living with purpose and integrity.

Life mastery is not achieved in solitude.

Space is limited and available by application only.



$1200 AFTER APRIL 30

For questions or more information, contact


5:30-8:00PM DENVER; 7:30-10:00 PM NEW YORK;
4:30-7:00 PM LOS ANGELES; 1:30-4:00PM Hawai’I


  • May 21, 2024 - Group Meeting
  • May 28, 2024 - Group Meeting
  • June 4, 2024 - Group Meeting
  • June, 11, 2024 - Group Meeting
  • June 18, 2024 - Group Meeting
  • June 25, 2024 - Group Meeting
  • July 2, 2024 - Group Meeting
  • July 9, 2024 - Group Meeting
  • July 16, 2024 - Group Meeting
  • July 23, 2024 - Group Meeting
  • July 30, 2024 - Group Meeting
  • August 13, 2024 - Group Meeting
  • August 27, 2024 - Group Meeting
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Awakening Polarity & Depth Play
7:00 PM19:00

Awakening Polarity & Depth Play

  • Una Vida Meditation & Movement 7960 Niwot Rd SuiteB12 · Niwot, CO, 80503 USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Embodied shared passion has got to be one of the most profound and meaningful experiences for us as humans.

Love and intimacy are, at the core, our primal life force.

How can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being? How can you do this safely and honestly while navigating moment-to-moment changing cues from your partner?

How can you access the depth of emotion and soul that sex promises instead of a shallow exchange of physical needs?

Love and physical intimacy can be an art form, yet few people work to expand their capacities in this area. Reading books and watching videos are no substitutes for practicing with real partners.

In this introductory event, bring your questions and curiosity. You will learn through guided practices. Come practice with others who are committed to developing and learning practical skills for deep intimacy.

This event is a safe place to practice and learn, whether single, married or in a relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. All our events are held in an excellent container of safety. The work and practices are fun and reveal secrets about what we want more of, and how to receive that.

IMPORTANT: The ground rules for this event are strictly enforced - there is no physical sexual contact permitted. This includes no kissing (even if you are coming with your partner) and no touching of breasts, buttocks, or genitals. These ground rules enable safety and clear boundaries, allowing the practices to go deeper. Trust is the foundation of all sexual polarity.

This event is inclusive of all genders and sexual orientations, although we will explicitly practice polarity through masculine and feminine energies.

Please email us at with questions.

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to Mar 14

Men's 2024 Life Reboot



Start 2024 by rebooting your inner life.

This intensive 9-week program teaches you the core masculine practice that cultivates depth and frees consciousness.

Untangle the complications of love, sex, work, and money by upgrading your inner game.

Access inner peace and confidence at your core.


“When you meet a person with authentic presence, you find he has an overwhelming genuineness, which might be somewhat frightening because it is so true and honest and real. You experience a sense of command radiating from the person of inner authentic presence. Although that person might be a garbage collector or a taxi driver, still he or she has an uplifted quality, which magnetizes you and commands your attention. This is not just charisma. The person with inner authentic presence has worked on himself and made a thorough and proper journey. He has earned authentic presence by letting go, and by giving up personal comfort and fixed mind.”- Chogyam Trungpa from the book Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior

In this nine-week online program, you will learn physical and energetic practices to deepen your presence and access core masculine power. How do you become the calm eye in the hurricane's center? Learn how to maintain steadfastness in times of crisis and stress through yogic inner practice and access your authentic core as a man.

Imagine your intimate partner, your children, your boss or coworker, insulting you, emoting and raging at you, but you are calm, resting as open consciousness. You gently smile—nothing is wrong. They cannot push you off-center or pull you into drama. You remain heart-connected to them, engaged with feeling and breath, yet deeply rooted in your inner depth as genuine freedom. Your response—if needed at all—will be much different than if you were hooked by their energy, reactivity, and threats. 

A man who can remain grounded in his inner being while fully present in any relationship is free.  He is the man who will be respected, loved, and devotionally honored. Learn to stand in-depth, accessing your authentic core as embodied free consciousness.



We all have both feminine and masculine parts of ourselves.  Like the Taoist concepts of yin and yang, feminine and masculine energies can be expressed through our bodies and actions. Gender roles have opened up for all kinds of personal expression, yet in this modern era, many men feel confused or uncertain about who they are or could be. Masculine depth is NOT about reinforcing old stereotypes of what a man “should” be like. Masculine depth is not false macho posturing or egoic bravado. No longer does someone have to pretend to be something they are not to fit into narrow perceptions of what is “appropriately” masculine or feminine.

Masculine depth is about discovering your authentic self and standing in power and truth at your core, as you are right now.


In this nine-week program, you will learn a powerful embodied mediation practice that sharpens your presence, deepens your consciousness, and amplifies your masculine energy.

Gain control of your inner world and remake your mind into your loyal servant instead of allowing it to be a petulant, demanding inner teenager.

Meditation is not an escape from reality.
Meditation is about allowing reality to be
just as it is.

Instead of false posturing and striving,
masculine freedom and energy come from understanding and integrating one’s shadow.

“The meeting with oneself is, at first, the meeting with one’s own shadow. The shadow is a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well. But one must learn to know oneself in order to know who one is.” —Carl Jung

“To draw the skeletons out of the closet is relatively easy, but to own the gold in the shadow is terrifying.” —Robert A. Johnson.

This course will guide you into practices that support excavating and integrating your shadow’s gold.

In the company of other men, earnest honesty ignites the inner work of locating and reclaiming your inner passion and purpose. This is a safe, sacred container to excavate your shadow, which is where your passion and life force spring forth from.


“ I think the healthy way to live is to make friends with the beast inside oneself, and that means not the beast but the shadow. The Darkside of one’s nature. Have fun with it, and you know, accept everything about ourselves.” —Anthony Hopkins

The pace of living in a busy modern world can feed the sense that I’m not good enough or that I’m not living the life I should be. FOMO is a runaway cultural disease.

What do you genuinely desire as a man? What is happiness? What is being enough? Who are you without comparing yourself to others?

Christopher Sunyata will guide you through a nine-session meditation course using the Hollow Bamboo Dharma. Instead of being rigid and suffering through sitting practice, you will learn to let the body be awake and supple, like kelp undulating with the flow of the living sea.

This course will work with the masculine shadow through precise meditation practice.

Each man has some ideal about what it means to be a man or masculine. This pressure to act and be a certain way (often different than how we feel we are) is a massive source of stress and disconnection for men and a contributing factor to depression and high suicide rates.

We will use the body as a portal to access and communicate with our shadows. Once listened to and accepted, the gold within your shadow becomes accessible.

Session One: Alignment and Relaxation
Meeting Tension & how it lives in your body

Session Two: Deepening Relaxation
inviting your shadow to speak and be seen

Session Three: Resilient Motion
Tension, stillness, and the shadow

Session Four: Deepening Resilience
Accepting and embracing the shadow

Session Five: Deepening resilience further
Hearing the whispering shadow

Session Six: Hollow Bamboo Breathing
Freeing the shadow

Session Seven: Energetic Unraveling Practice
shadow kryptonite—releasing patterns & limits

Session Eight: Shadow Sacred Theater
Embodying the shadow

Session Nine: The Great Wide Open
gifting through the integrated shadow

Each session will occur through live video meetings using Zoom.

  1. The first hour of each session will be for meditation instruction and guided practice.

  2. The second hour will be used for in-depth work on our shadow: the unexpressed desires, pain, challenges, and patterns that limit and hinder your full expression and authority—yet contain wisdom to liberate your authentic power.

There will be space for interactive Q&A, partner exercises, and sacred theater work with our shadows.

During the course, you can ask questions and receive support from Christopher in a private group chat.

For each session, you will need a cushion or chair. Position your computer to see the screen comfortably and hear the instructions.

This course is the ideal preparation for the subsequent men’s group: "Depth-Mining Your Masculine Core 2024 Advanced Men’s Program.”

Sessions will be recorded and made available afterward to participants in the course.
One private coaching call with Christopher is included with this program
(a $325 value)

Reading materials for the course:

  1. Breathing Through the Whole Body by Will Johnson

  2. A Little Book on the Human Shadow by Robert Bly

Additional suggested reading:

  1. I Don't Want to Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression by Terrence Real

  2. Eyes Wide Open by Will Johnson

  3. Owning your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche by Robert A Johnson

  4. Aligned, Relaxed, Resilient by Will Johnson

Video Call Schedule:

6-8:00pm Denver; 8-10:00 pm New York; 5-7:00 pm Los Angeles;
10-12:00 am Sydney, Australia (Friday)

  • Session 1: Thursday, January 18, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 2: Thursday, January 25, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 3: Thursday, February 1, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 4: Thursday, February 8, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 5: Thursday, February 15, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 6: Thursday, February 22, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 7: Thursday, February 29, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 8: Thursday, March 7, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 9: Thursday, March 14, 6-8:00 pm MST

Tuition $900

Includes one private coaching call with Christopher (a $325 value)

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2023 Ascending the Sacred Mountain - Men's Retreat
to Sep 3

2023 Ascending the Sacred Mountain - Men's Retreat

  • 2000 East Dreamway Crestone, Colorado USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Unleash Your True Potential: Embark on a Transformational Men's Retreat

Discover the End of Searching, Striving,
and Pushing for Change.

Simplify Your Life to Reveal YOUR OWN Course of Meaning and Purpose.

Are you ready to tap into your authentic power and freedom? Join Christopher Sunyata for a men's retreat and practice intensive in the serene mountains of Crestone, Colorado. This transformative experience is designed specifically for men who are committed to deepening their understanding of themselves and living a life of integrity. 

Immerse yourself in the company of like-minded men who share your passion for personal growth and self-discovery. Through a carefully curated program of embodied meditation, yogic breathing, outdoor exercises, and interactive partner practices, you will unlock your true potential and gain a profound sense of purpose.

During Ascending the Sacred Mountain, you will embark on an inner journey to locate your embodied base of being. Step by step, you will uncover and manifest the secret potential within you. These embodied spiritual exercises are not just theoretical concepts but practical tools with real-world applications in intimacy, mental health, physical fitness, and overall life satisfaction.

Here's what you can expect to gain from this transformative retreat:

  • Master Foundational Men’s Practices: Learn step-by-step foundational practices in meditation, yogic embodiment, and sexual yoga that you can carry with you for the rest of your life. These techniques will open the doors to advanced esoteric disciplines, empowering you to reach new depths of self-discovery and physical abilities.

  • Overcome Life's Challenges: Gain the skills to unreactively engage life's most difficult challenges. This retreat goes beyond theory and discussion, providing you with the tools to achieve mastery in your work, cultivate profound intimacy, and find deep inner peace.

  • Emotional Liberation: Release compulsive thinking and reactive emotions and learn how to transcend the hidden causes of emotional distress. Experience a newfound sense of emotional freedom that will positively impact all areas of your life.

  • Sexual Liberation and Connection: Discover how to turn sexual pleasure, whether alone or with a partner, into a vehicle of spiritual liberation. Integrate sexual energy into all aspects of your life and transform addictive porn habits into a sacred yoga practice that deepens your capacity for profound connection and life-changing intimacy.

  • Trust and Candid Communication: Learn how to personify trust and clarity in your relationships with women, work, and sexual desire. Create an atmosphere of trust both at home and in your professional life, nurturing deeper connections and enabling success through natural embodied power, not striving and performance for approval.

  • Purpose and Alignment: Clarify your life's purpose and align your actions with what truly matters to you. Live with authenticity, depth, and integrity, making deliberate choices that lead to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

  • Empowerment and Transcendence: Establish a personal relationship with death that empowers and frees you. Embrace life with a new perspective and break free from limiting beliefs and fears.

Space for this Men’s Intensive is limited and available by application only,
so we encourage you to apply early.

Plan to arrive after 2 pm and before 5:30 pm for check-in, dinner, and orientation on Monday, August 28.
Departure after breakfast on the morning of Sunday, September 3, 2023.
Accommodation choices are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Cost: $3600 (includes meals and lodging)

Special Early Bird 15% Discount (-$540)— only available through July 30

Early Bird Discounted Cost: $3060 (paid by July 30)

For questions or more information, contact

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Hollow Bamboo Dharma:  Embracing the Nagas  With Will Johnson and Christopher Sunyata
to May 8

Hollow Bamboo Dharma: Embracing the Nagas With Will Johnson and Christopher Sunyata

  • Montezuma, Costa Rica Costa Rica (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hollow Bamboo Dharma is a path of meditative inquiry designed to liberate the radiant human through reawakening the ex-static nature of body, mind, and consciousness. Its practices promote both physical and emotional healing as well as profound spiritual transformation.

During this intensive retreat we will explore sitting meditation as a mudra of radiant awakening, taking us down through layers of resistance, transforming thought into felt, radiant presence. As our primary guide for our practice we will pay particular attention to honoring the energies of the nagas that live inside each and every one of us, waiting so patiently to be liberated and freed.

The Nagas were pliant and fluid creatures whose bodies undulated as they moved through space. Often depicted as snakelike, their watery nature gave them great powers as they ventured forth from their natural habitat in oceans, rivers, and lakes to interact with humans on dry land.

Instead of sitting on your cushion like a stone garden statue of the Buddha, we let ourselves enter into a surrendered dance of balancing instead. When you truly let go, your body starts making subtle, spontaneous movements, undulating from breath to breath, releasing the rigidities that keep you locked inside your thinking mind.

The goal of this intensive retreat is nothing less than opening to a direct experience of The Great Wide Open, our radiant birthright state. To this end, we will explore sitting and lying down practices, working with kasinas and sound, and transforming the stone garden statue of the Buddha posture into the altogether natural practice of resilient, relaxed wakefulness.

In the Mucalinda Sutta, the great Naga king protected the Gautama Buddha from tropical rains after his enlightenment. This powerful icon is prevalent at Angkor Wat, where one finds the most sublime and happy Buddha statues. Nagas represent currents of force and power moving through channels in space. Our bodies are composed of numerous channels, including the digestive tract, the nervous system, respiratory, lymphatic, and circulatory systems. Life itself is sustained by these flows, interconnecting, sustaining, and unifying the body. Instead of striving for stillness and emptiness, awareness can merge with these flows, transforming stifling stasis and pain into a healing union with the dynamic energy of life itself. Thoughts and beliefs about any separative “I am” dissolve into the tangible experience of the Great Wide Open. We call this Nagadharma.

This retreat is cannabis optional. If you prefer not to use THC as an enhancer for the practices, that is fine. If you want to experiment with using small amounts of cannabis to enter into the practice, instruction, and guidance on how to do this will be provided. The teaching of Hollow Bamboo Dharma is exactly the same whether you use plant allies or not.

Tuition Cost: $1998


For questions, as well as information about traveling and lodging, contact

Come join us!

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Living Tantra for Men - Awakening the Lion's Roar
to Dec 20

Living Tantra for Men - Awakening the Lion's Roar

  • Christopher Sunyata (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



In this program, Christopher Sunyata will coach you through applying what you have learned at Ascending the Sacred Mountain Men’s Retreat, and in past men’s programs, deepening your personal practice into a living tantra - remaining open as free awareness no matter what arises; moving forward living your purpose.


In this men’s program, you’ll...

  • See and live from the freedom inherent in every situation 

  • Be able to access and transmute the energies of anger, jealousy, grief, etc.

  • Stay on track with manifesting your purpose, backed by brothers who will hold your feet to the fire and help you see things that you can’t see yourself

  • Integrate spiritual awakening into normal everyday living and practice

  • Receive feedback and support to make real changes in your life, not mere words and platitudes

  • Leadership in how to live in the world, while remaining grounded in your depth.

  • Practical support and invaluable feedback in navigating life from the depth of your heart’s wisdom.



9 group video calls. (The video calls will be recorded and made available to participants in this program.)

A private online group for questions, feedback, and practice progress updates.

Accountability partners to keep you on track.

One 60 minute private coaching call with Christopher:
one-on-one or as a joint session with your partner (a $325 value).

Group reading of excerpts from tantric source materials with practices and personal assignments created by Christopher Sunyata. Books that will be drawn upon:

  • The Lion’s Roar - An Introduction To Tantra, by Chögyam Trungpa

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, New translation by Chip Hartranft

  • The Eye of the I - From Which Nothing Is Hidden, by David Hawkins

  • Vivid Awareness - The Mind Instructions of Khenpo Gangshar,
    translated by Khenchen Thrangu

  • Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha, by Daniel Ingram

  • Work, Sex, Money - Real Life on the Path of Mindfulness, by Chögyam Trungpa

Video Call Schedule:

Tuesday 12-2pm Denver; 7-9pm London; 5-7am Sydney, Australia (Wednesday)





COST:   $1800

For questions, contact

Video Call Schedule:

Tuesday 12-2pm Denver; 6-8pm London; 5-7am Sydney, Australia (Wednesday)

  • August 16
  • August 23
  • September 13
  • October 11
  • October 25
  • November 8
  • November 22
  • December 6
  • December 20
View Event →
2022 Ascending the Sacred Mountain - Men's Retreat
to Jul 31

2022 Ascending the Sacred Mountain - Men's Retreat

  • 2000 East Dreamway Crestone, Colorado USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Simplify what you must do to live a life of meaning and purpose.

Discover the power in yourself through claiming it,
and be the inspiration for other men to do the same.

Join Christopher Sunyata for a sacred men’s retreat and practice intensive in Crestone, Colorado. Discover the profundity of being in the company of other men committed to depth and integrity. You will be led through embodied meditation, yogic breathing, outdoor exercises, and interactive practices with the other men, you will clarify your life purpose, and reveal the depth of your consciousness, already present within.

Ascending the sacred mountain is an inner journey where you locate your embodied base of being and from there proceed step by step to bring out the hidden potential within. For men ready to move into deeply embodied spiritual and real-world life practice, this is the next step.

Clarify and master your life purpose in the company of men who call forth the best in each other.

Learn how to personify trust and clarity in your challenges with women, work, and sexual desire. 

Experience tantric practices that reveal your authentic depth and power already present at your core.

Stop bypassing what you most desire - discover deeply embodied spiritual and sexual sovereignty.

What you will learn:

  • step-by-step foundational practices in meditation, yogic embodiment, and sexual yoga that you can use for the rest of your life, opening the way for advanced esoteric disciplines

  • subtly penetrate life’s most difficult challenges through real practice (not just theory and discussion) in order to achieve mastery at work, profound intimacy, and deep inner peace

  • release compulsive emotions and transcend the hidden causes of emotional distress

  • turn sexual pleasure, solo or in partnership, into a vehicle of spiritual awakening

  • create an atmosphere of trust at work and at home

  • authentic tantric practices, and how to create an intimate relationship that can deepen and flourish over the vicissitudes of time

  • clarify your purpose and align your life to what matters most

  • transcend being a slave to your turn-on and integrate sexual energy into all areas of life

  • how to consciously communicate depth, power, and love through your body

  • transform addictive porn habits into a spiritual sexual yoga practice that develops your capacity to have deeply connected sex with your partner

  • live in alignment with your own depth and integrity, not by artificial tricks or extra effort

  • establish a personal relationship to death that empowers and frees you

Space for this Men’s Intensive is limited and available by application only, so we encourage you to apply early.

Plan to arrive after 2 pm for check-in, dinner, and orientation on Monday, July 25, and your departure on the morning of Sunday, July 31, 2022. Accommodation choices are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

For questions or more information, contact

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Depth—Mining Your Masculine Core: The 2022 Advanced Men’s Program
12:00 PM12:00

Depth—Mining Your Masculine Core: The 2022 Advanced Men’s Program


What is a deep, thriving, and truly inspired life?
Uncover the life-changing power of love and consciousness already at your core.

Twenty years ago, David Deida’s groundbreaking book The Way of the Superior Man offered men a radically different way to master the challenges of women, work, and sexual desire. Those insights continue to inspire and motivate men. Join with other men committed to putting this wisdom into practice.

In this program you will:

Clarify and master your life purpose in the company of men who call forth the best in each other

Learn how to personify trust and clarity in your challenges with women, work, and sexual desire.

Experience yogic practices that reveal your authentic depth and power, already present at your core.

Stop bypassing what you most desire - discover embodied spiritual and sexual sovereignty.

What you will learn:

  • step-by-step foundational practices in meditation, yogic embodiment, and sexual yoga

  • subtly resolve life’s most difficult challenges by actual practice (not theory and discussion)

  • release compulsive emotions and transcend the hidden causes of emotional distress

  • turn sexual pleasure, solo or in partnership, into a vehicle of spiritual awakening

  • create an atmosphere of trust at work and at home

  • how to create an intimacy that can deepen and flourish over the vicissitudes of time

  • clarify your purpose and align your life to what matters most

  • transcend being a slave to your turn-on and transmute sexual energy into power in all areas of life

  • how to consciously communicate depth, power, and love through your body

  • transform addictive masturbation and porn habits into a spiritual sexual yoga practice that develops your capacity to have deeply connected sex with your partner

  • live in alignment with your own depth and integrity, not by artificial tricks or extra effort

  • establish a personal relationship to death that empowers and frees you

  • comprehensive practices to develop your own multi-orgasmic potential, and how to guide your lover into deep surrender and pleasure beyond their wildest imagination

This program is challenging, pragmatic, and customized for you.

What is included in the seven-month program:

  • 14 group video calls. (The video calls will be recorded and made available to participants in this program.)

  • A private online group for questions, feedback, and practice progress updates.

  • Accountability partners to keep you on track.

  • Three 60 minute private coaching calls with Christopher:
    one-on-one or as joint sessions with your partner (a $750 value).

  • Group reading of David Deida’s book, Blue Truth: A Spiritual Guide to Life & Death and Love & Sex, with practices and personal assignments, to reveal the deepest truth of your own life.

There is power in brotherhood.

Join with other men committed to depth, and living with purpose and integrity.

Life mastery is not achieved in solitude.

Space is limited and available by application only.

$2700 Early Enrollment Discount Through December 4

$2500 Returning previous AMG & ASM graduates

$3200 After December 5

For questions or more information, contact

Video Call Schedule:

Tuesday 12-2pm Denver; 7-9pm London; 5-7am Sydney, Australia (Wednesday)

  • January 4
  • January 18
  • February 1
  • February 15
  • March 1
  • March 15
  • March 29
  • April 12
  • April 26
  • May 10
  • May 24
  • June 7
  • June 28
  • July 12
View Event →
2021 Ascending the Sacred Mountain - Men's Retreat
to Sep 19

2021 Ascending the Sacred Mountain - Men's Retreat

  • 2000 East Dreamway Crestone, Colorado USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What did you learn from the past 12 months of COVID?
Restart your life NOW.

Simplify what you must do to live a life of meaning and purpose.

Discover the power in yourself through claiming it,
and be the inspiration for other men to do the same.

Join Christopher Sunyata for a sacred men’s retreat and practice intensive in Crestone, Colorado. Discover the profundity of being in the company of other men committed to depth and integrity. You will be led through embodied meditation, breath, outdoor exercises, and interactive practices with the other men, you will clarify your life purpose, and reveal the depth of your consciousness, already present within.

Special Note: This event will follow guidelines to prevent COVID-19 transmission, following the CDC, State of Colorado, and local health guidelines related to COVID-19. For more details on the COVID-19 policy regarding this event, contact

Ascending the sacred mountain is an inner journey where you locate your embodied base of being and from there proceed step by step to bring out the hidden potential within. For men ready to move into deeply embodied spiritual and sexual practice, this is the next step.

Clarify and master your life purpose in the company of men who call forth the best in each other.

Learn how to personify trust and clarity in your challenges with women, work, and sexual desire. 

Experience tantric practices that reveal your authentic depth and power, already present at your core.

Stop bypassing what you most desire - discover deeply embodied spiritual and sexual sovereignty.

What you will learn:

  • step-by-step foundational practices in meditation, yogic embodiment, and sexual yoga that you can use for the rest of your life, opening the way for advanced esoteric disciplines

  • subtly penetrate life’s most difficult challenges through real practice (not just theory and discussion) in order to achieve mastery at work, profound intimacy, and deep inner peace

  • release compulsive emotions and transcend the hidden causes of emotional distress

  • turn sexual pleasure, solo or in partnership, into a vehicle of spiritual awakening

  • create an atmosphere of trust at work and at home

  • authentic tantric consort practices, and how to create an intimacy that can deepen and flourish over the vicissitudes of time

  • clarify your purpose and align your life to what matters most

  • transcend being a slave to your turn-on and integrate sexual energy into all areas of life

  • how to consciously communicate depth, power, and love through your body

  • transform addictive masturbation and porn habits into a spiritual sexual yoga practice that develops your capacity to have deeply connected sex with your partner

  • live in alignment with your own depth and integrity, not by artificial tricks or extra effort

  • establish a personal relationship to death that empowers and frees you

Space for this Men’s Intensive is limited and available by application only, so we encourage you to apply early.

Plan to arrive after 2 pm for check-in, dinner, and orientation on Monday, September 13, and your departure for the morning of Sunday, September 19, 2021. Accommodation choices are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

For questions or more information, contact

Image “Crestone Peak Group” by David Herrera is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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to Aug 15

Hollow Bamboo Dharma Meditation Video Course

Bring ease, grace, and ecstatic depth

to your sitting meditation practice

Today’s modern culture values thought and mind over sensation and body awareness. Smartphones and computers have become a major part of how people spend their time, replacing time spent with other humans or nature. This shift in how we spend time is causing problems and contributing to disconnection and uncertainty in our lives and relationships. Beyond just screen time, the pace of living in a busy modern world can feed the sense that I’m not good enough, or that I’m not living the life I should be having.

This inner swirl of seeking and emotional churn can be stilled through the practice of meditating with the body. Freedom, peace, inner clarity, and spacious awareness are part of your natural inheritance. These can be remembered and reclaimed by listening and honoring the wisdom of your body. Christopher Sunyata will guide you through a seven-session course on how to meditate using the Hollow Bamboo teachings of Will Johnson. Instead of being rigid and suffering through sitting practice, let the body be awake and supple, like kelp undulating with the flow of the living sea.

Session One: Alignment and Relaxation

Session Two: Deepening Relaxation

Session Three: Resilient Motion

Session Four: Deepening Resilience

Session Five: Deepening Resilience Further

Session Six: Hollow Bamboo Breathing

Session Seven: The Great Wide Open

Each session is presented through online videos.
Time in each session will be spent primarily in guided practice.
During the course, you will be able to ask questions and receive support from Christopher by email.
For each session, you will need a cushion or chair to sit upon. Position your computer so that you can comfortably see the screen and hear the instructions.

Will Johnson
reading materials for the course

  1. Breathing Through the Whole Body

  2. Eyes Wide Open

  3. The Posture of Meditation

  4. Aligned, Relaxed, Resilient

Price: $108

View Event →
Men's Virtual Practice Dojo with Christopher Sunyata August 8-9, 2020
to Aug 9

Men's Virtual Practice Dojo with Christopher Sunyata August 8-9, 2020

We are in a global crisis: from COVID-19 to social turmoil and economic uncertainty, how do you live a more profound, conscious, and genuinely inspired life during times of chaos?

Discover yourself how men practicing together demonstrate community, brotherhood, and integrity, rather than merely talking about it.

The dojo opens at noon MDT (Denver), 2 PM EDT (New York),
11 AM PDT (Los Angeles), 8 PM CEST (France)

Each day consists of 3 hours of practice, with breaks.

You will learn how to awaken your body, relax deeply, and excavate sources of tension and ceaseless striving that has been buried in your body, perhaps for decades.

Practice will include consciousness exercises, some light physical yoga, and interactive work with other men. This weekend, reveal the depth of power and conscious presence already within you and gain more clarity about your life purpose during these uncertain times.

Attendee Objectives:

  • Learning foundational practices in the embodiment of consciousness and the value of mindful relaxation.

  • Encountering a palpable taste of kenshō - insight into the true nature of freedom and being. 

  • Finding a personal connection to death that empowers and frees you, rather than stimulating fear and inaction.

  • Clarifying your purpose and aligning your life to what matters most.

  • Developing the ability to consciously communicate depth, power, and love through your body.

In a world affected by COVID, you need to find your internal compass and depth now, more than ever before. This is your chance to do work that is traditionally only done face to face, presently made possible from your own home or self-retreat location via a reliable internet connection.

Challenged by how to serve men during these murky times, Christopher and his production team have created this virtual practice dojo, creatively utilizing Zoom as a vehicle to transcend event limitations imposed by COVID, and to connect men in different locations and time zones.

This weekend is a dive into practice and transformation suitable for beginners, as well as those living a path of inner exploration and yogic life-practice.

Inquire about scholarships for those in financial crises.

For more information, contact

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2020 Ascending the Sacred Mountain - Virtual Men's Retreat
to Aug 8

2020 Ascending the Sacred Mountain - Virtual Men's Retreat

How can you navigate your way through these
troubled times, for yourself and your loved ones?

We are in a global crisis: COVID-19, to social turmoil, and economic uncertainty, how do you live a more profound, conscious, and truly inspired life in the midst of chaos?

Join Christopher Sunyata for a five-day virtual men’s intensive. Discover the community, brotherhood, depth, and integrity that comes from deep men’s work. Through meditation training, esoteric breath exercises, yoga, and interactive practice with other men - reveal the depth of power and conscious presence already within you, and gain clarity on your life purpose.

The Ascending the Sacred Mountain Intensive is an inner journey to locate your embodied base of being and proceed step by step to unleash the freedom and power at your core. For men ready to move into deeply embodied spiritual and sexual practice, this is your next step.

Each day consists of 8 hours of practice, with breaks. You will learn how to awaken your body, relax deeply, and excavate sources of tension and chronic striving that have been buried in your body, perhaps for decades.

Retreat Objectives:

  • Learning foundational practices in meditation, embodiment of consciousness, and sexual yoga that you can use for the rest of your life.

  • Experiencing a palpable taste of kenshō - insight into the true nature of freedom and being. 

  • Subtly penetrating life’s most difficult challenges through actual practice (not just theory and discussion) in order to achieve mastery at work, profound sexual intimacy, and inner peace.

  • Establishing a personal relationship to death that empowers and frees you.

  • Releasing compulsive emotions and transcending the hidden causes of emotional distress.

  • Turning sexual pleasure, solo or in partnership, into a vehicle of spiritual awakening.

  • Creating an atmosphere of trust at work and at home.

  • Clarifying your purpose and aligning your life to what matters most.

  • Transcending bondage to your sexual desires, integrating sexual energy into all areas of life.

  • Developing the ability to consciously communicate depth, power, and love through your body.

  • Living in alignment with your own depth and integrity, not through artificial tricks or extra effort.

In a world affected by COVID, we need to find our internal compass and depth more than ever before. This is your chance to do work that has traditionally only been done face to face, now made possible from your own home or self-retreat location.

Challenged by how to serve men during these murky times, Christopher and his production team have created this virtual retreat, drawing upon years of experience teaching online men’s and couple’s programs. This retreat will be delivered live through Zoom, along with additional practice materials and assignments, designed to enable a spiritual and physical retreat experience, unlike any online or in-person event you have experienced.

To serve the global gathering of men already working with Christopher, this retreat has been designed so that it can be done from almost any location on earth where you have reliable internet access.

Broadcast live from the island of Molokai, each day consists of two 3-hour live sessions, and one 2-hour asynchronous practice session.

This retreat will be a deep dive into practice and transformation. From August 4-8 (August 4-9 in Europe & Asia), allow this retreat to shift you into liminal space where new realizations are possible. Because of the unique structure of this global retreat, there will be a continuous wave of practice encircling the globe. Dream yoga practices will be interwoven into this event, providing a unique opportunity to personally experience consciousness as a unified field shared by all.

During this time it is strongly recommended that you unplug from your normal activities: news, phone calls, emails, work, possibly even taking a break from contact with family and intimate partners - in order to connect with the space within. Make preparations in advance of the retreat that will support this.

Screen Shot 2020-07-21 at 2.22.56 PM.png

Tuition: $900 (USD)

Inquire about scholarships for returning students and those in financial crises.

For more information, contact Christopher Sunyata, at

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to Jul 14

Creating a Tantric Consort Relationship - 5-Month Program for Couples

Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1934204">Pana Kutlumpasis</a> from <a href="…

Step beyond mediocrity and create the deep, sexually-enlivening intimacy that you desire

In this practical tantra course, you will learn how to have better sex and create a devoted alliance with your lover to discover how vast embodied-love can be. Build a deep connection that extends beyond sex - enabling you to navigate whatever arises in life and open into joy and pleasure that few realize is possible.  Transform your intimate relationship and sexuality into a vehicle for spiritual awakening and liberation.

Learn how to create a relationship that deepens and increases in sexual polarity over time, instead of becoming routine and meh. Discover how hot, unpredictable, and ecstatic, that sex can be in a committed tantric partnership. 

Study the sexual secrets to become a superior lover, both in and out of the bedroom. Your body intuits and yearns for something deeper within sex, love, and life. This course will guide you step by step in the art of tantric sexual and spiritual practice, through the unique path of a consort relationship, to reveal your ultimate depth of being. 

Utilizing David Deida’s book, The Enlightened Sex Manual: Sexual Skills for the Superior Lover, this five-month program will cover the essentials needed to initiate your life-long practice of sexual yoga. 


  • step-by-step foundational practices in conducting energy, exploring the diverse possibilities of orgasms, and advanced sexual yoga to awaken the whole body in bliss 

  • establish within your relationship the most profound trust possible in this lifetime, and discover how this liberates you, your partner, and all beings

  • explore how your body, mind, and speech are always naked expressions of your consciousness and felt love-fullness - and learn how these can invigorate and awaken your partner

  • turn sexual pleasure, solo or with your partner, into a vehicle of spiritual awakening

  • experience how relaxing as you are, right now, frees you from the never-ending struggle for self-improvement

  • discover how your having a consort relationship can be the greatest gift you give to your children and family

  • how to integrate sexual practice with pregnancy, parenting and raising children

  • authentic tantric consort practices, and how to create an intimacy that deepens and flourishes over the vicissitudes of time

  • discover how your turn-on is intimately linked to the root of spiritual awareness

  • transform addictive masturbation and porn habits into a spiritual sexual yoga practice that develops your capacity to have genuinely connected sex with your partner

  • exercises to grow your multi-orgasmic potential, and how to guide your lover into deep surrender and pleasure beyond their wildest imagination




  1. 10 group video calls. (The video calls will be recorded and made available to participants in this program.)

  2. A private online group for questions, feedback, and practice progress updates.

  3. Accountability partners to keep you on track.

  4. Two 60 minute private coaching calls with Christopher or Christopher and Karlene: These can be used for joint sessions with your partner or for personal one-on-one work (a $700 value).

  5. Group reading of David Deida’s book, The Enlightened Sex Manual: Sexual Skills for the Superior Lover, with practices and personal assignments.

  6. Admission for both of you to the Awakening Deep Intimacy - a Tantra Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, May 1-3 (a $1500 value).




Space is limited to 9 couples and available by application only.

For questions, contact Christopher at

Video Call Schedule:

3-5pm Honolulu; 6-8pm Denver; 8-10pm New York; (Tuesday) 12-2 pm Sydney, Australia (Wednesday)

  • Tuesday, March 3, 6-8 pm MST
  • Tuesday, March 17, 6-8 pm MST
  • Tuesday, March 31, 6-8 pm MST
  • Tuesday, April 14, 6-8 pm MST
  • Tuesday, April 28, 6-8 pm MST
  • Tuesday, May 19, 6-8 pm MST
  • Tuesday, June 2, 6-8 pm MST
  • Tuesday, June 16, 6-8 pm MST
  • Tuesday, June 30, 6-8 pm MST
  • Tuesday, July 14, 6-8 pm MST
View Event →
Deepening Intimacy -  Tantric Practices for Men, Women, and Couples
to Feb 9

Deepening Intimacy - Tantric Practices for Men, Women, and Couples

Love and sexuality are at the core our primal life force. Love isn’t an idea or a thought or even a feeling - it powers the core of your being. The desire and drive to open through love and sex are palpable forces that can be conducted through your body and the world around you. Beyond just scratching the itch of sexual hunger, how can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being? How can you do this with safety and honesty, while navigating moment to moment changing cues from your partner?

Love and physical intimacy can be practiced, and deepened as a fulfilling art—few people actually work to expand their capacities in this area. Reading books, and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice with real partners. In this workshop you will learn through practices designed to stretch and grow your capacity to conduct pleasure and communicate love.

In this workshop you will:  

  • Experience how relaxing as you are, right now, frees you from the never-ending struggle for self improvement

  • Learn practices to direct and conduct sexual energy through your and your partner’s bodies using breath, consciousness, and relaxation

  • Embrace and embody Masculine and Feminine energies, regardless of gender - and learn which energies most open and turn on you and your partner

  • Learn how to transform perfunctory sex and masturbation into a sexual yoga practice 

  • Experience a taste of deep yogic sex through connected breathing - opening the body, heart, and soul

  • Discover how your turn-on is intimately linked to the root of spiritual awareness

  • Awaken the wisdom already present in your body. Learn how to access the intelligence within the heart, solar plexus, belly and genitals that drives deep yogic sex

  • Learn how to expand your capacity to feel and remain open and connected as love no matter how intense the pleasure or pain

  • Learn how to artfully express any emotion—anger, sorrow, fear, lust—with an open heart

Come practice with others who are also committed to growing and learning in true deep intimacy. Space is limited and available by application only, so we encourage you to apply early.

Application required before your admission is confirmed. If not admitted your ticket price will be refunded in full.

This workshop is a safe place to practice and learn, whether you are single, married, or in relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. There is no nudity. The workshop is held in a supreme container of safety. This workshop is inclusive for all genders and sexual orientations, although we will be explicitly practicing with masculine and feminine energies.

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to Jan 29

2020 8-Month Advanced Men’s Program

  • Google Calendar ICS
Crestone Sunrise.png


Are you ready to live a deep, thriving, and truly inspired life?
Uncover the life-changing power of love and consciousness already at your core.

Twenty years ago, David Deida’s groundbreaking book The Way of the Superior Man offered men a radically different way to master the challenges of women, work, and sexual desire.

Inspired by his following book, Blue Truth: A Spiritual Guide to Life & Death and Love & Sex, this eight-month program will provide men the rare opportunity to clarify and master their life purpose, and learn tantric practices that reveal your authentic depth and power. This program is for men who are ready to step into deeply embodied spiritual and sexual practice.

What you will learn:

  • step-by-step foundational practices in meditation, embodiment, and sexual yoga that you can use for the rest of your life, opening the way for advanced esoteric disciplines

  • subtly penetrate life’s most difficult challenges through real practice (not just theory and discussion) in order to achieve mastery at work, profound intimacy, and deep inner peace

  • release compulsive emotions and transcend the hidden causes of emotional distress

  • turn sexual pleasure, solo or in partnership, into a vehicle of spiritual awakening

  • create an atmosphere of trust at work and at home

  • authentic tantric consort practices, and how to create an intimacy that can deepen and flourish over the vicissitudes of time

  • clarify your purpose and align your life to what matters most

  • transcend being a slave to your turn-on and integrate sexual energy into all areas of life

  • how to consciously communicate depth, power, and love through your body

  • transform addictive masturbation and porn habits into a spiritual sexual yoga practice that develops your capacity to have deep connected sex with your partner

  • live in alignment with your own depth and integrity, not by artificial tricks or extra effort

  • establish a personal relationship to death that empowers and frees you

  • comprehensive practices to develop your own multi-orgasmic potential, and how to guide your lover into deep surrender and pleasure beyond their wildest imagination

This eight-month program is challenging, pragmatic, and customized for each man.

What is included in the eight-month program:

  • 14 group video calls. (The video calls will be recorded and made available to participants in this program.)

  • A private online group for questions, feedback, and practice progress updates.

  • Accountability partners to keep you on track.

  • Three 60 minute private coaching calls with Christopher:

    one-on-one or as joint sessions with your partner (a $750 value).

  • Group reading of David Deida’s book, Blue Truth: A Spiritual Guide to Life & Death and Love & Sex, with practices and personal assignments created by Christopher Sunyata, to reveal the deepest truth of your own life.

  • Admission for yourself and a guest to the Coed Deepening Intimacy Workshop. Berkeley, CA. February 7-9, 2020 (a $795 value).

  • Admission for yourself to the Coed Awakening Deep Intimacy - a Tantric Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, May 1-3 (a $795 value).

  • Ascending the Sacred Mountain - Men’s Retreat, Crestone, Colorado, August 3-9 2020, at Crestone Mountain Zen Center (Includes 6 nights lodging and meals -a $2250 value)

There is power in brotherhood.

Join with other men committed to depth, and living with purpose and integrity.

Life mastery is not achieved in solitude.

Space is limited to 18 men and available by application only.

For questions, contact Christopher at

Video Call Schedule:

12-2pm Denver; 7-9pm London; 6-8am Sydney, Australia (Thursday)

  • Wednesday, January 15, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, January 29, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, February 12, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, March 4, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, March 18, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, April 1, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, April 15, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, April 29, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, May 20, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, June 3, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, June 17, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, July 1, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, July 15, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, July 29, 12-2pm MST

Image “GSNP WInter” by Patrick Meyers is licensed under CC BY 3.0

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to Sep 29

5-Day Private Intensive for Men, Women, and Couples with David Deida

  • Google Calendar ICS

Join David Deida for a  5-Day Private Intensive for Men, Women, and Couples 
September 23-29, 2019 in Crestone, Colorado. This is David's only 5-day Intensive for Men, Women, and Couples scheduled in 2019. 

Limited to 18 men and 18 women.

Scholarships are available for returning graduates applying before April 12, 2019.

If you are interested in joining David Deida for this 5-Day Private Intensive for Men, Women, and Couples, please request details and an application from the event sponsor, Christopher Sunyata at

You are invited to join David at this exclusive 5-Day Residential Intensive in the sacred lands of Crestone, Colorado--the ideal environment where consciousness, heart, and body are inspired to open wide.

Come dive deeply into new ways to live your sexuality as a profound and ecstatic yoga. Experience practices that enhance your heart's depth and presence, turning lovemaking into whole-body prayer and communion. With courage and care, you will bring light to the darkest places--opening body, heart, and mind as you cultivate unwavering consciousness and unbearable pleasure as portals for spiritual surrender.

Through David's unparalleled teachings and step-by-step personal guidance, you will learn about:

  • transforming chaotic emotions into conscious connection

  • offering anger as advanced sexual play

  • using words and silence to magnify love-desire 

  • growing from shared genital pleasure to mutual devotional worship

  • opening through grief and knowing love deeper than time

  • melting emotional wounds through sexual bliss

  • practicing solo and with a partner for deepening orgasm to god

  • understanding why your deepest sexual gifts are often capped by your most intense resistance

  • knowing how to relax through blocks in your sexual artistry

  • navigating the differences between men's and women's internal sexual circuitry

  • exploring why honest and respectful communication can be very different from heart-awakening sex-talk

  • breathing techniques to increase, decrease, and circulate sexual energy

  • designing a deeply personal sexual yoga practice, both solo and in partnership

  • loving while being rejected as a doorway to divine surrender

  • using your body as a vehicle for ecstatic dissolution

  • practicing ultimate lovemaking as unending vulnerability

  • understanding your heart's deepest spiritual desires by unfolding your darkest sexual desires

  • learning what turns on men and women--sexually and spiritually--and how to use these turn-ons for mutual spiritual growth

  • understanding the full range and spiritual possibilities of the different types of orgasm for men and women

This is the first time in years that David has offered a 5-Day Intensive for Men, Women, and Couples, and the only one he is scheduled to offer in 2019. This event will sell out.

Space is limited to 18 men and 18 women and available by application only, so we encourage you to apply early. Plan to arrive after 2pm for check-in, dinner, and orientation on Monday, September 23, and to depart the morning of Sunday, September 29.  Accommodations are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Scholarships are available for returning graduates applying before April 12, 2019.

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to Sep 8

5-Day Private Men's Intensive with David Deida

Mens Deida 2019.png

5-Day Private Men's Intensive

Join David Deida for a 5-Day Private Men's Intensive September 2-8, 2019 in Crestone, Colorado. 

This is David's only 5-Day Men's Intensive scheduled in 2019. 

Limited to 36 men.

Scholarships are available for returning graduates applying before March 29, 2019.

If you are interested in joining David Deida for this 5-Day Private Men's Intensive, please request details and an application from the event sponsor, Christopher Sunyata at

This September, join David Deida in the wild and expansive high desert mountains of Crestone, Colorado for his only Men's Intensive scheduled for 2019. In this exclusive 5-Day Residential Men's Intensive, a select group of men will gather together with David to receive step-by-step guidance toward the mastery of true life purpose and authentic tantric sexual practices, sourced in deep conscious presence.

Our gathering of men will receive David's groundbreaking teachings and personal instruction in:

  • navigating altered states, gain and loss of purpose, and sexual obsession

  • exploring the differences between your life's deepest and more surface purposes

  • outgrowing work, family, and relationships with integrity

  • accessing conscious presence under all financial, sexual, and emotional conditions

  • cultivating esoteric solo and partner sexual yoga practices assisted by trained female practitioners

  • gaining immediate access to the primal energy of your own deep being

  • learning how to give your true gifts while alive and into death

  • relaxing at play with your partner's emotions

  • standing sexual ground in consciousness

  • respecting fear to death

  • dealing with sexual attraction to many and to none

  • heart-pacing through tragic and inevitable karmic changes with family, friends, lovers, and colleagues

  • mastering finances to be free with and without direction

  • entering the spiritual portals of insomnia, depression, and meaninglessness

  • relaxing with the bliss and agony of no-purpose

  • recognizing your truth amidst emotional chaos

You are invited to join this Men's Intensive with David Deida within the Sangre de Cristo mountain range overlooking the expansive San Luis Valley -- the ideal environment where consciousness, heart, and body are inspired to open wide. Crestone, Colorado provides a pristine environment for deep, undisturbed, and undistracted spiritual and sexual exploration.
This is the only 5-Day Private Men's Intensive with David Deida that is scheduled in 2019. This Men's Intensive will sell out. (David will also be teaching a 5-Day Private Intensive for Men, Women, and Couples in Crestone, Colorado September 23-29, 2019.)
Space for this Men's Intensive is limited to 36 men and available by application only, so we encourage you to apply early. Plan your arrival for after 2pm on Monday, September 2 for check-in, dinner, and orientation, and your departure for the morning of Sunday, September 8. Accommodation choices are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Scholarships are available for returning graduates applying before March 29, 2019.
For more information and to apply, contact the event sponsor Christopher Sunyata at

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to Oct 10

Hollow Bamboo Dharma Meditation Course

Bring ease, grace, and ecstatic depth

to your sitting meditation practice

Today’s modern culture values thought and mind over sensation and body awareness. Smart phones and computers have become a major part of how people spend their time, replacing time spent with other humans or nature. This shift in how we spend time is causing problems and contributing to disconnection and uncertainty in our lives and relationships. Beyond just screen time, the pace of living in a busy modern world can feed the sense that I’m not good enough, or that I’m not living the life I should be having.

This inner swirl of seeking and emotional churn can be stilled through the practice of meditating with the body. Freedom, peace, inner clarity and spacious awareness are part of your natural inheritance. These can be remembered and reclaimed by listening and honoring the wisdom of your body. Christopher Sunyata will guide you through a seven session course of how to meditate using the Hollow Bamboo teachings of Will Johnson. Instead of being rigid and suffering through sitting practice, let the body be awake and supple, like kelp undulating with the flow of the living sea.

Session One: Alignment and Relaxation

Session Two: Deepening Relaxation

Session Three: Resilient Motion

Session Four: Deepening Resilience

Session Five: Deepening Resilience Further

Session Six: Hollow Bamboo Breathing

Session Seven: The Great Wide Open

Each session will occur through video meetings using Zoom.
Time in each session will be spent primarily in guided practice. There will be time for Q&A by participants after each session.
During the course you will be able to ask questions and receive support from Christopher by email.
For each session, you will need a cushion or chair to sit upon. Position your computer so that you can comfortably see the screen and hear the instructions.
Sessions will be recorded and made available afterwards to participants in the course.

Will Johnson
reading materials for the course
(we will be drawing most from the first two books):

  1. Breathing Through the Whole Body

  2. Eyes Wide Open

  3. The Posture of Meditation

  4. Aligned, Relaxed, Resilient

Video Call Schedule:

6-7:30pm Denver (MST); 8-9:30pm New York; 5-6:30pm Los Angeles;
10-11:30am Sydney, Australia (Friday)

  • Session 1: Thursday, August 15, 6-7:30pm MST

  • Session 2: Thursday, August 22, 6-7:30pm MST

  • Session 3: Thursday, August 29, 6-7:30pm MST

  • Session 4 Thursday, September 12, 6-7:30pm MST

  • Session 5: Thursday, September 19, 6-7:30pm MST

  • Session 6: Thursday, October 3, 6-7:30pm MST

  • Session 7: Thursday, October 10, 6-7:30pm MST

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to Jul 21

Ascending the Sacred Mountain - Men's Retreat

  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you ready to live a deep, thriving, and truly inspired life?

Uncover the life-changing power of love and consciousness already at your core.

Join Christopher Sunyata for a sacred men’s retreat and practice intensive in Crestone, Colorado. Discover the profundity of being in the company of other men committed to depth and integrity. Through embodied meditation, breath, outdoor exercises, and interactive practices with the other men, you will clarify your life purpose, and reveal the depth of conscious presence within. Ascending the sacred mountain is an inner journey where you locate your embodied base of being and from there proceed step by step to bring out the hidden potential within. For men who are ready to move into deeply embodied spiritual and sexual practice, this is the next step.

What you will learn:

  • foundational practices in meditation, embodiment of consciousness, and sexual yoga that you can use for the rest of your life, opening the way for advanced esoteric disciplines

  • subtly penetrate life’s most difficult challenges through real practice (not just theory and discussion) in order to achieve mastery at work, profound intimacy, and inner peace

  • establish a personal relationship to death that empowers and frees you

  • release compulsive emotions and transcend the hidden causes of emotional distress

  • turn sexual pleasure, solo or in partnership, into a vehicle of spiritual awakening

  • create an atmosphere of trust at work and at home

  • clarify your purpose and align your life to what matters most

  • transcend being a slave to your turn-on and integrate sexual energy into all areas of life

  • how to consciously communicate depth, power, and love through your body

  • live in alignment with your own depth and integrity, not by artificial tricks or extra effort

Space for this Men’s Intensive is limited to 18 men and available by application only, so we encourage you to apply early.

Plan to arrive after 2pm for check-in, dinner, and orientation on Wednesday, July 17, and your departure for the morning of Sunday, July 21, 2019. Accommodation choices are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information, contact Christopher Sunyata, at

Image “Crestone Peak Group” by David Herrera is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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Deepening Intimacy -  Tantric Practices for Men, Women, and Couples
to Jun 2

Deepening Intimacy - Tantric Practices for Men, Women, and Couples

Love and sexuality are at the core our primal life force. Love isn’t an idea or a thought or even a feeling - it powers the core of your being. The desire and drive to open through love and sex are palpable forces that can be conducted through your body and the world around you. Beyond just scratching the itch of sexual hunger, how can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being? How can you do this with safety and honesty, while navigating moment to moment changing cues from your partner?

Love and physical intimacy can be practiced, and deepened as a fulfilling art—few people actually work to expand their capacities in this area. Reading books, and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice with real partners. In this workshop you will learn through practices designed to stretch and grow your capacity to conduct pleasure and communicate love.

In this workshop you will:  

  • Experience how relaxing as you are, right now, frees you from the never-ending struggle for self improvement

  • Learn practices to direct and conduct sexual energy through your and your partner’s bodies using breath, consciousness, and relaxation

  • Embrace and embody Masculine and Feminine energies, regardless of gender - and learn which energies most open and turn on you and your partner

  • Learn how to transform perfunctory sex and masturbation into a sexual yoga practice 

  • Experience a taste of deep yogic sex through connected breathing - opening the body, heart, and soul

  • Discover how your turn-on is intimately linked to the root of spiritual awareness

  • Awaken the wisdom already present in your body. Learn how to access the intelligence within the heart, solar plexus, belly and genitals that drives deep yogic sex

  • Learn how to expand your capacity to feel and remain open and connected as love no matter how intense the pleasure or pain

  • Learn how to artfully express any emotion—anger, sorrow, fear, lust—with an open heart

Come practice with others who are also committed to growing and learning in true deep intimacy. Space is limited and available by application only, so we encourage you to apply early.

Application required before your admission is confirmed. If not admitted your ticket price will be refunded in full.

This workshop is a safe place to practice and learn, whether you are single, married, or in relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. There is no nudity. The workshop is held in a supreme container of safety. This workshop is inclusive for all genders and sexual orientations, although we will be explicitly practicing with masculine and feminine energies.

Come to the introductory event “A taste of Deepening Intimacy” to find out more.

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12:00 PM12:00

Six-Month Advanced Men’s Program

Crestone Sunrise.png

Are you ready to live a deep, thriving, and truly inspired life?
Uncover the life-changing power of love and consciousness already at your core.

Twenty years ago, David Deida’s groundbreaking book The Way of the Superior Man offered men a radically different way to master the challenges of women, work, and sexual desire.

Inspired by his following book, Blue Truth: A Spiritual Guide to Life & Death and Love & Sex, this six-month program will provide men the rare opportunity to clarify and master their life purpose, and learn tantric practices that reveal the depth and power of your conscious presence. This program is for men who are ready to step into deeply embodied spiritual and sexual practice.

What you will learn:

  • step-by-step foundational practices in meditation, embodiment, and sexual yoga that you can use for the rest of your life, opening the way for advanced esoteric disciplines

  • subtly penetrate life’s most difficult challenges through real practice (not just theory and discussion) in order to achieve mastery at work, profound intimacy, and deep inner peace

  • establish a personal relationship to death that empowers and frees you

  • release compulsive emotions and transcend the hidden causes of emotional distress

  • turn sexual pleasure, solo or in partnership, into a vehicle of spiritual awakening

  • create an atmosphere of trust at work and at home

  • authentic tantric consort practices, and how to create an intimacy that can deepen and flourish over the vicissitudes of time

  • clarify your purpose and align your life to what matters most

  • transcend being a slave to your turn-on and integrate sexual energy into all areas of life

  • how to consciously communicate depth, power, and love through your body

  • live in alignment with your own depth and integrity, not by artificial tricks or extra effort

  • comprehensive practices to develop your own multi-orgasmic potential, and how to guide your lover into deep surrender and pleasure beyond their wildest imagination

This six-month program is challenging, pragmatic, and customized for each man.

What is included in the six-month program:

  • 13 group video calls. (The video calls will be recorded and made available to participants in this program.)

  • A private online group for questions, feedback, and practice progress updates.

  • Accountability partners to keep you on track.

  • Three 60 minute private coaching calls with Christopher:

    one-on-one or as joint sessions with your partner (a $750 value).

  • Group reading of David Deida’s book, Blue Truth: A Spiritual Guide to Life & Death and Love & Sex, with practices and personal assignments created by Christopher Sunyata, to reveal the deepest truth of your own life.

  • Admission for yourself and a guest to the Coed Deepening Intimacy Workshop, Berkeley, California, May 31-June 2 (a $900 value).

  • Ascending the Sacred Mountain - Men’s Retreat, Crestone, Colorado, July 17-21 2019, at Crestone Mountain Zen Center (Includes 4 nights lodging and meals -an $1800 value)

There is power in brotherhood.

Join with other men committed to depth, and living with purpose and integrity.

Life mastery is not achieved in solitude.

Space is limited to 18 men and available by application only.

For questions, contact Christopher at

Video Call Schedule:

12-2pm Denver; 7-9pm London; 6-8am Sydney, Australia (Thursday)

  • Wednesday, April 3, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, April 17, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, May 1, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, May 15, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, May 29, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, June 12, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, June 26, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, July 31, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, August 14, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, August 28, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, September 18, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, October 2, 12-2pm MST
  • Wednesday, October 16, 12-2pm MST

Image “GSNP WInter” by Patrick Meyers is licensed under CC BY 3.0

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Polarity Play and Practice
7:00 PM19:00

Polarity Play and Practice

  • Healing Spirits Living Arts Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Embodied shared passion has got to be one of the deepest and most meaningful experiences for us as humans. Love and intimacy are at the core our primal life force. How can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being? How can you do this with safety and honesty, while navigating moment to moment changing cues from your partner?

Love and physical intimacy can be practiced, and deepened as a fulfilling art - few people actually work to expand their capacities in this area. Reading books, and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice with real partners. In these Meetup events you will learn through practices designed to stretch and grow your capacity to conduct pleasure and communicate love. Come practice with others who are also committed to growing and learning in true deep intimacy.

These Meetup events are a safe place to practice and learn, whether you are single, married, or in relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. There is no nudity. The Meetup events are held in a superlative container of safety.

IMPORTANT: The groundrules for this event are strictly enforced - there is no physical sexual contact permitted. This includes no kissing (even if you are coming with your partner) and no touching of breasts, buttocks or genitals. These groundrules are to enable safety and clear boundaries and enable the practices to go deeper. Trust is the foundation of all sexual polarity.

PLEASE NOTE: This event requires an equal number of male and female participants for partner practices. If you are the last person to sign up for this event as a single, and an opposite sex partner does not sign up by the day of the event, you may be asked to withdraw from the practice evening. If asked to withdraw, you are entitled to a full refund, or you may allocate your payment towards a future practice evening. To avoid this, be sure to sign up early for all upcoming events.

Email Christopher at with questions.

-- About Christopher Sunyata:
Christopher draws upon his decades of practice and study under masters of sexual yoga, Taoist exercises, and Buddhist meditation. He teaches people how to access their own depth by learning to listen to and trust their body, reclaiming passion and life energy that is their birthright, and creating intimate relationships that deepen in love and chemistry over the years. His specialty is teaching men the secrets of deep sex, including how to bypass ejaculation and discover their own unlimited capacity for multiple orgasms. Learn how intimacy and sex can be the ultimate embodied spiritual practice.

--About Ali Kegley Kole
Ali has studied for the past 15 years with amazing teachers in sexual yoga, embodied dance, and deep lasting intimacy. Ali is a licensed S Factor teacher and 10 year pole dance veteran. A semi-retired CEO, athlete, philanthropist and devoted wife. Women are born with innate gifts of sensuality, emotionality, intuition and life force. Over the years, life experiences can mute and cage our natural strengths and desires. Sensual Embodied Dance invites and guides the body back to her native purpose - to move, emote, communicate and connect. Come to know yourself as the beautiful, powerful magnificent being you were born as.

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to Sep 9

Men’s Intensive with David Deida - Private Event in Crestone, CO

Join David Deida for a Private Men’s Intensive, September 3-9, 2018 in Crestone, Colorado.

This Residential Men’s Intensive is David’s only Intensive scheduled in 2018.

Limited to 36 men.

Scholarships are available for returning graduates applying before June 18, 2018.

If you are interested in joining David Deida for this Men’s Intensive, please request details and an application at

Private Men's Intensive with David Deida


I'm thrilled to invite you to an exclusive event with David Deida in the Sangre de Cristo mountain range of Crestone, Colorado, September 3-9, 2018. Our gathering will be guided step-by-step toward the mastery of true life-purpose and authentic tantric sexual practices, grounded in conscious presence.

Last year in Micanopy, Florida, I watched David take a group of men deeper into spiritual practice than I have ever experienced in my 20 years of study with him. Sessions often ran late into the night and included initiation into dream yoga, exploration of deep purpose, and esoteric solo and partner sexual yoga practices that he had never shared in workshops before. Transformations occurred, giving us immediate access to the primal energy of our own deep being.

Building upon that influential program he offered last year, I have worked with David to create an unparalleled Men's Intensive, his deepest offering for men yet. In preparation for this Residential Men's Intensive, David will be on solitary practice retreat prior to the event within the Sangre de Cristo mountains and the expansive San Luis Valley - the ideal environment where consciousness, heart, and body are inspired to open wide. Crestone, Colorado provides a pristine environment for deep, undisturbed, and undistracted spiritual and sexual exploration.

There are critical moments in time when the flow of your life can be influenced, like acupuncture points giving access to the flow of energies in the body, articulating a new time of life-change and awareness. This Men's Intensive is one of those moments. It is the only Intensive that David is scheduled to offer this year.

Come join us. Space is limited to 28 men and available by application only. Plan your arrival for check-in, dinner, and orientation on Monday, September 3, and your departure for the morning of Sunday, September 9, 2018. 

Scholarships are available for returning graduates applying before June 18, 2018.

Fellowships are available for full-time monks. If interested, please inquire.

I am excited to be offering this unique Men's Intensive with David, and hope that you will be able to join us.


Christopher Sunyata

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to May 21

Descend into Delight - the practice of love, sex and intimacy

  • The Integral Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Image Credit - Mark Hansen

Image Credit - Mark Hansen

Descend Into Delight -
the practice of love, sex, and intimacy

An Intensive Co-ed Workshop for Men, Women, and Couples

Embodied shared passion has got to be one of the deepest and most meaningful experiences for us as humans. Sex and intimacy are at the core our primal life force. How can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being?

The explosion of information about sexuality and the proliferation of porn has shifted our collective consciousness about sex - what is possible and available has never been so apparent. People may be experiencing more sex, but there is still a yearning for something deeper than just greater quantity and variety. Underneath chasing more and better orgasms, underneath the search for the perfect partner, is a deeper intimacy as the shared bodily communication of love waiting to be discovered.

Love, sex, and intimacy can be practiced, and deepened as a fulfilling art - few people actually work to expand their capacities in this area. Reading books, and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice with real partners. In this intensive workshop you will descend into delightful learning through practices designed to stretch and grow your capacity to conduct pleasure and communicate love. Come practice with others who are also committed to growing and learning in true deep intimacy and deeper sex.

The workshop is a safe place to practice and learn, whether you are single, married, or in relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. There is no sex or nudity in the workshop. The workshop is held in a superlative container of safety. The work and practices ARE challenging, as well as fun. Committed partnerships are honored and there is plenty of time to practice with your partner, as well as times when you will be practicing with other people.

Positive Polarities
Like the Taoist concepts of yin and yang, feminine and masculine are energies that can be expressed through our bodies. Gender roles have opened up to allow for all kinds of personal expression. We can learn to artfully embody love, light, and surrender as well as structure, direction, and perfect demand. In this workshop we will practice consciously playing with differences in order to create energy, polarity, and sexual attraction, whether taking the role of masculine or feminine, regardless of gender. By feeling different energies in our own body, we will be able to both refine our preferences and increase our ability to understand the other side. As artists of love, we can decide what expression would most open our lover, or express our true heart’s desire.  

Deep Sex
A masterful lover is always learning. In this workshop you will be able to ask your most pressing questions about sex and receive answers from two couples who live that they teach. You will learn basic practices to develop your own multi-orgasmic potential - both men and women have this innate capacity. You will also learn about the anatomy of deep arousal and practical information about the wide variety of possible orgasms for women and men. Sex however, is much more than just chasing orgasms - we will discuss deep sex, what it is, and why you would want to practice it, and how it can be a foundation of lasting intimacy.

Deep Love
Why are you here on earth? What must you do before you die, in order to feel complete? What is your heart’s deepest desire? If you died today, what would be your greatest regret?  In the crucible of physical practice and heart-open feedback you can plumb the inner depths of your soul and clarify the depth of love you are called to live.

Intimacy & Polarity
It is possible to keep long term relationships vital and fun - deepening in sexual chemistry over time. This is the opposite of what normally occurs in long term relationships when familiarity and comfort seem to replace the initial spark of attraction. You will learn how to stimulate, deepen, and maintain polarity in relationships.

Embodied Depth
You will learn physical and energetic practices to deepen your presence, and access your core sexual power. How do you become the calm eye in the center of the hurricane? How can you artfully express anger or hurt with an open heart? Learn how to maintain steadfastness and loving connection in times of crisis and stress through yogic practice. Learn how to access and express the depth of love, which is your authentic core.

Subtle Energy Training
Ancient esoteric practices will be explained in plain language and you will learn practical exercises that will expand your depth and capacity to conduct life force in all areas of your life. You will learn to move and manipulate subtle energy through breath, movement and consciousness.

Descend into Delight is a workshop for you if…  
You want to deepen trust and surrender in your intimacy
You want to feel the force of love completely permeating you
You want to access your own deep multiple orgasmic capacity (both men and women)
You want to access inner peace, passion, and confidence in intimacy & your life purpose
You want to develop subtle energy awareness and learn how to direct and use it
You want to increase your sexual attractiveness

Time: Friday 7:00PM-10:00PM, Saturday 11:00AM–10:00PM, Sunday 9:00AM–7:00PM
Dress: Comfortably for Movement
Bring: Water in a closed container & Notebook

Christopher &amp; Karlene Sunyata

Christopher & Karlene Sunyata

IMPORTANT: This event requires an equal number of male and female participants for partner practices. If you are the last person to sign up for this event as a single, and an opposite sex partner does not sign up by the day of the event, you may be asked to withdraw. If asked to withdraw, you are entitled to a full refund. To avoid this, be sure to sign up early.

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to Apr 2

Masculine Depth - An Intensive Workshop for Men

Unconfuse your body as a man - own how deep you need to be to survive these times.

 Depth of consciousness. Capacity for deep love. Deep sex. Imagine a deep inner peace and confidence no matter what your lover or the world throws at you. 

What are you communicating to others right now through your body?
What is the key thing in intimacy that determines how deep it can go?
What is deep yogic sex and how is it different from how most people experience sex?
How can you ignite the spark of attraction with someone and keep it burning hotter over time?  

In this intensive workshop, you will learn physical and energy-body practices which can immediately increase your depth and capacity.  Learn the foundational practices of sexual stamina. Learn how to thrive in intense life, work and family situations instead of collapsing or retreating. Reboot your life by tapping into the innate intelligence of the body. After the workshop you can continue using these practices to cultivate depth and power in the areas of consciousness, love, sex, inner peace and confidence.

Depth is not just steadiness and stability when under fire. Depth enables sex to be much much more than “thrust, thrust, squirt, snore.”  Deep yogic sex can reveal your true potential for bliss and love in human form - it may even reveal who you are after you die. Christopher teaches the foundational practices for men’s sexual yoga which can be used throughout your whole life, whether you are single, or in relationship. Sexual energy is LIFE energy - energy you can access to engage powerfully in your career, in your family, sports, and all your relationships.

Sexual Mastery

How is deep sex different from what is most often portrayed in porn? In what ways is it actually similar to many men’s fantasies that are depicted in porn? How can you bring what you most want to try sexually into your bedroom and not collapse in fear or squirt right away from too much excitement? Do you know the different kinds of orgasms that are possible for women and men?

A masterful lover is always learning. In this workshop you will be able to ask your most pressing questions about sex. You will learn the basic practices to develop your own multi-orgasmic potential, and why it is important to consciously choose whether you ejaculate or not during sex. You will also learn about the anatomy of women’s deeper arousal and practical information about the wide variety of possible orgasms for women: clitoral, G-spot, cervical, squirting, and anal - just to name a few possibilities. Sex however, is much much more than just chasing orgasms - Christopher will teach you about deep sex, what it is, and why you would want to practice it, and how it can be a foundation of lasting intimacy.

Intimacy & Polarity

Sex is much more than physical intercourse. Sexual polarity, the energized arc of attraction between people, is an art that can be learned and practiced. It is possible to keep long term relationships vital and hot - deepening in sexual chemistry over time. This is the opposite of what normally occurs in most relationships when familiarity and comfort seem to replace the initial spark of attraction. You will learn the foundation practices in how to stimulate, deepen, and maintain polarity in relationships.

Embodied Depth

You will learn physical and energetic practices to deepen your presence, and access your core power. How do you become the calm eye in the center of the hurricane? Learn how to maintain steadfastness in times of crisis and stress through yogic practice. Learn how to access the depth of love, which is your authentic core.

Imagine your intimate partner, your children, your boss or coworker, insulting you, emoting and raging at you, but you are calm, resting as open consciousness. You smile. They cannot push you off center or pull you into their drama. If you remain heart-connected to them, engaged with feeling and breath, yet remain deeply connected to your still inner depth, then your response - if one is needed at all - will be much different than if you were hooked by their energy, reactivity, and threats.  A man who can remain grounded in his inner being, while also fully present in relationship is free.  He is the man that will be respected, loved, and devotionally honored. You can learn how to be this man of depth and access your authentic core as deep embodied consciousness.

Are You Man Enough? What is Masculine?

We all have both feminine and masculine parts of ourselves.  Like the Taoist concepts of yin and yang, feminine and masculine are energies that can be expressed through our bodies. Gender roles have thankfully opened up to allow for all kinds of personal expression. Masculine depth is NOT about reinforcing old stereotypes of what a man “should” be like. Masculine Depth is not false macho posturing or egoic bravado. No longer does someone have to pretend to be something they are not in order to fit into narrow perceptions of what is “appropriately” masculine or feminine. Masculine Depth is about discovering your authentic self, and accessing your own power and truth in living from your core, as you are right now. Men of all sexual orientations can benefit from this training and are welcome to attend. An agile modern man can learn to artfully embody love, light, and surrender as well as structure, direction, and purpose.


Why are you here on earth? What must you do before you die in order to feel complete? In the crucible of physical practice and heart-open feedback from other men, you will discover and sharpen your own life purpose. You will learn how fear plays a valuable role in pursuing your life's deepest purpose, and you will learn practices that will support you throughout your life journey.


You will learn both ancient and contemporary mediation practices that will sharpen your presence, deepen your consciousness, and amplify your masculine energy. Gain control of your inner world and learn how to make mind your servant instead of your petulant inner teenager.

Energy Training

You will learn how to move and manipulate subtle energy through breath, movement and consciousness. Christopher translates ancient esoteric practices into practical exercises which expand your depth and capacity to conduct life force in all areas of your life. These energies are real, they can be felt and experienced by you, your lover, your family and the world.


Masculine Depth is a workshop for you if…  

You want to access inner peace and confidence in any situation
You want to fearlessly pursue your deepest purpose in life
You want to increase your sexual attractiveness
You want to deepen your consciousness and personal power
You want to find your own authentic masculine core
You want to embody more presence, depth, and energy
You want to become a masterful lover
You want to learn how to access your own multiple orgasmic capacity
You want to develop subtle energy awareness and learn how to direct and use it

Friday March 31 Doors open at 6:30pm event runs 7:00PM-10:00PM,
Saturday & Sunday April 1 & 2,  11:00AM – 10:00PM
Dress: Comfortably for Movement
Bring: Water in a closed container 

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to Jul 30

Advanced Sexual Stamina for Men - An On-Line Workshop

Advanced Sexual Stamina for Men is more than a course that simply teaches how to have nonejaculatory intercourse. This work will strengthen your sexual confidence and be the entry point into developing lifelong sexual practices that energize your body and deepen your relationships. These practices also are the gateway to reaching advanced states of pleasure and connection through sex that is hard to believe or describe.

The Men of Advanced Sexual Stamina Have Experienced:

  • Increased sexual stamina (Unleash your inner Sex Warrior and hold your partner in extended states of orgasm and ecstasy)

  • Increased sex drive (Without being a slave to your turn on)

  • Crucial, foundational knowledge and experience with the practices which can unlock the seemingly elusive Male Multiple Orgasm

  • Increased sexual interest and passion for your partner (They will feel more wanted, desired, and desirable)

  • Increased passion and connection within dating and relationship (Lead with your heart and not your cock)

  • Increased masculine presence (Be perceived as the most trustworthy and powerful man in the room by women AND men)

  • Increased physical vitality, energy, mental clarity, and focus 

You don’t have to be in a relationship or have a partner to experience dramatic benefits from this month-long virtual workshop.

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