Image Credit - Mark Hansen
Descend Into Delight -
the practice of love, sex, and intimacy
An Intensive Co-ed Workshop for Men, Women, and Couples
Embodied shared passion has got to be one of the deepest and most meaningful experiences for us as humans. Sex and intimacy are at the core our primal life force. How can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being?
The explosion of information about sexuality and the proliferation of porn has shifted our collective consciousness about sex - what is possible and available has never been so apparent. People may be experiencing more sex, but there is still a yearning for something deeper than just greater quantity and variety. Underneath chasing more and better orgasms, underneath the search for the perfect partner, is a deeper intimacy as the shared bodily communication of love waiting to be discovered.
Love, sex, and intimacy can be practiced, and deepened as a fulfilling art - few people actually work to expand their capacities in this area. Reading books, and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice with real partners. In this intensive workshop you will descend into delightful learning through practices designed to stretch and grow your capacity to conduct pleasure and communicate love. Come practice with others who are also committed to growing and learning in true deep intimacy and deeper sex.
The workshop is a safe place to practice and learn, whether you are single, married, or in relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. There is no sex or nudity in the workshop. The workshop is held in a superlative container of safety. The work and practices ARE challenging, as well as fun. Committed partnerships are honored and there is plenty of time to practice with your partner, as well as times when you will be practicing with other people.
Positive Polarities
Like the Taoist concepts of yin and yang, feminine and masculine are energies that can be expressed through our bodies. Gender roles have opened up to allow for all kinds of personal expression. We can learn to artfully embody love, light, and surrender as well as structure, direction, and perfect demand. In this workshop we will practice consciously playing with differences in order to create energy, polarity, and sexual attraction, whether taking the role of masculine or feminine, regardless of gender. By feeling different energies in our own body, we will be able to both refine our preferences and increase our ability to understand the other side. As artists of love, we can decide what expression would most open our lover, or express our true heart’s desire.
Deep Sex
A masterful lover is always learning. In this workshop you will be able to ask your most pressing questions about sex and receive answers from two couples who live that they teach. You will learn basic practices to develop your own multi-orgasmic potential - both men and women have this innate capacity. You will also learn about the anatomy of deep arousal and practical information about the wide variety of possible orgasms for women and men. Sex however, is much more than just chasing orgasms - we will discuss deep sex, what it is, and why you would want to practice it, and how it can be a foundation of lasting intimacy.
Deep Love
Why are you here on earth? What must you do before you die, in order to feel complete? What is your heart’s deepest desire? If you died today, what would be your greatest regret? In the crucible of physical practice and heart-open feedback you can plumb the inner depths of your soul and clarify the depth of love you are called to live.
Intimacy & Polarity
It is possible to keep long term relationships vital and fun - deepening in sexual chemistry over time. This is the opposite of what normally occurs in long term relationships when familiarity and comfort seem to replace the initial spark of attraction. You will learn how to stimulate, deepen, and maintain polarity in relationships.
Embodied Depth
You will learn physical and energetic practices to deepen your presence, and access your core sexual power. How do you become the calm eye in the center of the hurricane? How can you artfully express anger or hurt with an open heart? Learn how to maintain steadfastness and loving connection in times of crisis and stress through yogic practice. Learn how to access and express the depth of love, which is your authentic core.
Subtle Energy Training
Ancient esoteric practices will be explained in plain language and you will learn practical exercises that will expand your depth and capacity to conduct life force in all areas of your life. You will learn to move and manipulate subtle energy through breath, movement and consciousness.
Descend into Delight is a workshop for you if…
You want to deepen trust and surrender in your intimacy
You want to feel the force of love completely permeating you
You want to access your own deep multiple orgasmic capacity (both men and women)
You want to access inner peace, passion, and confidence in intimacy & your life purpose
You want to develop subtle energy awareness and learn how to direct and use it
You want to increase your sexual attractiveness
Time: Friday 7:00PM-10:00PM, Saturday 11:00AM–10:00PM, Sunday 9:00AM–7:00PM
Dress: Comfortably for Movement
Bring: Water in a closed container & Notebook
Christopher & Karlene Sunyata
IMPORTANT: This event requires an equal number of male and female participants for partner practices. If you are the last person to sign up for this event as a single, and an opposite sex partner does not sign up by the day of the event, you may be asked to withdraw. If asked to withdraw, you are entitled to a full refund. To avoid this, be sure to sign up early.