Embodied shared passion is one of the most profound and meaningful experiences humans have.
Love and intimacy are at the core of our primal life force. How can we invite and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being?
The internet has led to an explosion of easily accessible sexual information and to the proliferation of porn. Both of these have shifted our collective awareness about physical intimacy - what seems possible and available has never been so visible. People may be experiencing more, but there is still a yearning for something beyond greater quantity and variety. Underneath chasing more and better climaxes, underneath the quest for that perfect partner, is sexual intimacy as the shared human communication of love waiting to be discovered.
Love and physical intimacy can be practiced and deepened as a fulfilling art, yet very few people work to expand their capacities in this area. Reading books and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice. Physical practice with our bodies is the only way to discover personal limits and shine a light on how we resist the flow of love, pleasure, and freedom. Learn how to descend into full-body consciousness through practices designed to stretch and grow your capacity to open within sexual bliss and bodily communicate love.
Sexual Polarity
Like the Taoist concepts of yin and yang, feminine and masculine are energies expressed through our bodies. Stilted gender roles are dissolving, creating space for all kinds of personal expression. We can learn to artfully embody love, light, and surrender as well as structure, direction, and perfect demand. Learn how to consciously play with differences to create energy, polarity, and attraction, whether taking the role of masculine or feminine, regardless of gender. By feeling different energies in your own body, you will refine your preferences and increase your ability to understand the other side. As artists of love, you can decide what expression would most open your lover, express your heart’s desire, or deepen the moment.
Deep Love
Why are you here on earth? What must you do before you die, to feel complete? What kind of intimacy do you want in your life? What is your heart’s deepest desire? If you died today, what would be your greatest regret? In the crucible of physical practice and heart-open feedback, you can plumb your soul’s inner depths and clarify the extent of love you are called to live.
Lasting Intimacy
It is possible to keep long-term relationships vital and fun - deepening in sexual chemistry over time. This is the opposite of what occurs typically in long-term relationships when familiarity and comfort replace the initial spark of attraction. You will learn how to stimulate, deepen, and sustain polarity in relationships.
What is the critical thing in intimacy that determines how deep it can go?
How do you ignite the spark of attraction with someone and consciously keep it burning hotter and brighter over time?
Do you know the different kinds of orgasms that are possible for women and men? Do you want to learn how you can experience these?
How can you invite your masculine partner to be more conscious, stable, and trustable?
How can you invite your feminine partner to be more radiant, overflowing with love and devotion?
“Practice as an expression of what you most love.
Sensitively modulate your practice to accommodate your limits and strengths.
Practice even as your old patterns try to stop you.
Your habits are less than love.
Love is the discipline and the realization of sexual yoga.”
Profound sex inspires all-embracing love and enables sex to be much more than “thrust, thrust, squirt, snore.”
Deep sex can unveil your true potential for bliss and love in human form.
Sexual energy is LIFE energy - the power you can access to engage powerfully in your health, career, family, and relationships.
Christopher offers a free initial meeting. Most clients find meeting weekly or bi-weekly provides the best structure and discipline to realize the desired changes in their life.
Christopher works through Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime, or Skype, if possible so a connection with the breath and eye contact can be made during the calls. If that won't work, regular phone calls can be used.
After the free initial meeting, Christopher’s rates are:
Client Packages | Sessions | Cost |
Wisdom | 1 Session | $325 |
Embodiment | 5 Sessions | $1,580 |
Depth | 9 Sessions | $2,700 |
Mastery | 18 Sessions | $5,220 |
Grace | Fully Customized | $36,000 |
Whereas there is a typical progression of exercises, each man and woman is unique. Most of the coaching time is spent discovering your unconscious habits and particular ways your body/mind holds onto or kinks the life force. Releasing these self-contractions liberates life-energy and love, freeing attention and restoring the body.
For an additional fee (+ $ 100/hour), Christopher’s wife Karlene can join calls to teach specific female sexual yoga practices or support couple’s coaching calls if requested.
Client packages include email and phone text support for questions.
All prices listed are in USD. For our detailed order fulfillment policy, please see terms and conditions.