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Depth & Desire—Fall Tantric Workshop

  • Una Vida Meditation & Movement 7960 Niwot Rd Suite B12 Niwot Colorado, 80503 (map)

Skills for a night… and a lifetime.

Embodied shared passion is one of the most profound and meaningful experiences for us as humans. Love and intimacy are at the core of our primal life force. How can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being? How can you do this with safety and honesty, while navigating moment to moment changing cues from your partner, and develop greater trust in the innate intelligence of your body? Come to this workshop and learn how.

Love and physical intimacy can be practiced and deepened as a fulfilling art - few people work to expand their capacities in this area. Tantra, as explored in this workshop, is based upon Taoist and Buddhist esoteric practices, which reveal the never-ending dance between form and consciousness, yin and yang, responsive nature, and skillful action. These tantric practices tell the truth already present in your heart and indicate how to express it through your body. Tantric intimacy can be a path of spiritual realization for all those who yearn to awaken and be free, while still being fully present and highly functioning in the world. 

Reading books and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice with real partners. In this workshop, you will learn through exercises designed to stretch and grow your capacity to conduct energy and communicate love. Come practice with others who are also committed to expanding and learning in real deep intimacy.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Learn practices to move energy through your and your partner’s bodies using breath, consciousness, and relaxation

  • Embrace and embody Masculine and Feminine energies from the dark to the light

  • Expand your capacity to feel and remain open and connected as love, even in moments which are challenging or intense

  • Practice artfully expressing any emotion—anger, sorrow, fear, lust – with an open heart

  • Experience deep energetic intimacy through connected breathing- opening the body, heart, and soul

  • Discover how your turn-on is intimately linked to your spiritual awareness

  • Awaken and access the wisdom already present in your body to guide, nurture, inspire and delight yourself and those around you


Friday, November 15: 7pm-10pm

Saturday, November 16: 10am-10pm

Sunday, November 17: 10am-4pm

Come practice with others who are also committed to growing and learning in true deep intimacy.

Space is limited and available by application only, so we encourage you to apply early.

Application is required before your admission is confirmed.
If not admitted, your ticket price will be refunded in full.

This workshop is a safe place to practice and learn, whether you are single, married, or in a relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. There is no nudity. You will be held in a superlative container of safety. The work and practices are challenging, as well as fun. Committed partnerships are honored, and there is plenty of time to practice with your partner, as well as when you can practice with other people. The workshop is inclusive for all genders and sexual orientations, although we will explicitly practice embodying masculine and feminine energies.

$999 EARLY ENROLLMENT DISCOUNT (for past attendees only)
Must be paid by August 30

$1100 early-bird enrollment discount
must be paid by October 25

$1300 Normal admission

Space is limited. This event will sell out.
Apply early to ensure availability.

For questions or more information, contact


Your teachers

Christopher Sunyata mentors individuals and couples in intimacy, sexuality, and practical spiritual realization. Conscious intimacy can be a profound sacred practice that awakens, revives, and deepens relationships, empowering individual purpose and integrity. He teaches how to do this, enabling a life of connection, energy, and meaning. 

Drawing upon decades of practice and study under masters of tantric yoga and Buddhist meditation, he transmits how to embody and live as love amidst the challenges of modern life. Prior to teaching, he was an international project manager responsible for over a billion dollars in revenue, a medical device engineer with seven patents, and a ceramic artist. He has parented four children, including one who has significant disabilities. He lives in Boulder, Colorado, and on the island of Molokai with his wife, Karlene who co-teaches with him.

Ali has studied for the past 15 years with outstanding teachers in sexual yoga, embodied dance, and deep, lasting intimacy. Ali is a licensed S Factor teacher and 10-year pole dance veteran: a semi-retired CEO, athlete, philanthropist, and devoted wife. Women are born with innate gifts of sensuality, emotionality, intuition, and life force. Over the years, life experiences can mute and cage our natural strengths and desires. Sensual Embodied Dance invites and guides the body back to her native purpose—to move, emote, communicate, and connect. Come to know yourself as the beautiful, powerful, magnificent being you were born as.