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Men's 2024 Life Reboot



Start 2024 by rebooting your inner life.

This intensive 9-week program teaches you the core masculine practice that cultivates depth and frees consciousness.

Untangle the complications of love, sex, work, and money by upgrading your inner game.

Access inner peace and confidence at your core.


“When you meet a person with authentic presence, you find he has an overwhelming genuineness, which might be somewhat frightening because it is so true and honest and real. You experience a sense of command radiating from the person of inner authentic presence. Although that person might be a garbage collector or a taxi driver, still he or she has an uplifted quality, which magnetizes you and commands your attention. This is not just charisma. The person with inner authentic presence has worked on himself and made a thorough and proper journey. He has earned authentic presence by letting go, and by giving up personal comfort and fixed mind.”- Chogyam Trungpa from the book Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior

In this nine-week online program, you will learn physical and energetic practices to deepen your presence and access core masculine power. How do you become the calm eye in the hurricane's center? Learn how to maintain steadfastness in times of crisis and stress through yogic inner practice and access your authentic core as a man.

Imagine your intimate partner, your children, your boss or coworker, insulting you, emoting and raging at you, but you are calm, resting as open consciousness. You gently smile—nothing is wrong. They cannot push you off-center or pull you into drama. You remain heart-connected to them, engaged with feeling and breath, yet deeply rooted in your inner depth as genuine freedom. Your response—if needed at all—will be much different than if you were hooked by their energy, reactivity, and threats. 

A man who can remain grounded in his inner being while fully present in any relationship is free.  He is the man who will be respected, loved, and devotionally honored. Learn to stand in-depth, accessing your authentic core as embodied free consciousness.



We all have both feminine and masculine parts of ourselves.  Like the Taoist concepts of yin and yang, feminine and masculine energies can be expressed through our bodies and actions. Gender roles have opened up for all kinds of personal expression, yet in this modern era, many men feel confused or uncertain about who they are or could be. Masculine depth is NOT about reinforcing old stereotypes of what a man “should” be like. Masculine depth is not false macho posturing or egoic bravado. No longer does someone have to pretend to be something they are not to fit into narrow perceptions of what is “appropriately” masculine or feminine.

Masculine depth is about discovering your authentic self and standing in power and truth at your core, as you are right now.


In this nine-week program, you will learn a powerful embodied mediation practice that sharpens your presence, deepens your consciousness, and amplifies your masculine energy.

Gain control of your inner world and remake your mind into your loyal servant instead of allowing it to be a petulant, demanding inner teenager.

Meditation is not an escape from reality.
Meditation is about allowing reality to be
just as it is.

Instead of false posturing and striving,
masculine freedom and energy come from understanding and integrating one’s shadow.

“The meeting with oneself is, at first, the meeting with one’s own shadow. The shadow is a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well. But one must learn to know oneself in order to know who one is.” —Carl Jung

“To draw the skeletons out of the closet is relatively easy, but to own the gold in the shadow is terrifying.” —Robert A. Johnson.

This course will guide you into practices that support excavating and integrating your shadow’s gold.

In the company of other men, earnest honesty ignites the inner work of locating and reclaiming your inner passion and purpose. This is a safe, sacred container to excavate your shadow, which is where your passion and life force spring forth from.


“ I think the healthy way to live is to make friends with the beast inside oneself, and that means not the beast but the shadow. The Darkside of one’s nature. Have fun with it, and you know, accept everything about ourselves.” —Anthony Hopkins

The pace of living in a busy modern world can feed the sense that I’m not good enough or that I’m not living the life I should be. FOMO is a runaway cultural disease.

What do you genuinely desire as a man? What is happiness? What is being enough? Who are you without comparing yourself to others?

Christopher Sunyata will guide you through a nine-session meditation course using the Hollow Bamboo Dharma. Instead of being rigid and suffering through sitting practice, you will learn to let the body be awake and supple, like kelp undulating with the flow of the living sea.

This course will work with the masculine shadow through precise meditation practice.

Each man has some ideal about what it means to be a man or masculine. This pressure to act and be a certain way (often different than how we feel we are) is a massive source of stress and disconnection for men and a contributing factor to depression and high suicide rates.

We will use the body as a portal to access and communicate with our shadows. Once listened to and accepted, the gold within your shadow becomes accessible.

Session One: Alignment and Relaxation
Meeting Tension & how it lives in your body

Session Two: Deepening Relaxation
inviting your shadow to speak and be seen

Session Three: Resilient Motion
Tension, stillness, and the shadow

Session Four: Deepening Resilience
Accepting and embracing the shadow

Session Five: Deepening resilience further
Hearing the whispering shadow

Session Six: Hollow Bamboo Breathing
Freeing the shadow

Session Seven: Energetic Unraveling Practice
shadow kryptonite—releasing patterns & limits

Session Eight: Shadow Sacred Theater
Embodying the shadow

Session Nine: The Great Wide Open
gifting through the integrated shadow

Each session will occur through live video meetings using Zoom.

  1. The first hour of each session will be for meditation instruction and guided practice.

  2. The second hour will be used for in-depth work on our shadow: the unexpressed desires, pain, challenges, and patterns that limit and hinder your full expression and authority—yet contain wisdom to liberate your authentic power.

There will be space for interactive Q&A, partner exercises, and sacred theater work with our shadows.

During the course, you can ask questions and receive support from Christopher in a private group chat.

For each session, you will need a cushion or chair. Position your computer to see the screen comfortably and hear the instructions.

This course is the ideal preparation for the subsequent men’s group: "Depth-Mining Your Masculine Core 2024 Advanced Men’s Program.”

Sessions will be recorded and made available afterward to participants in the course.
One private coaching call with Christopher is included with this program
(a $325 value)

Reading materials for the course:

  1. Breathing Through the Whole Body by Will Johnson

  2. A Little Book on the Human Shadow by Robert Bly

Additional suggested reading:

  1. I Don't Want to Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression by Terrence Real

  2. Eyes Wide Open by Will Johnson

  3. Owning your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche by Robert A Johnson

  4. Aligned, Relaxed, Resilient by Will Johnson

Video Call Schedule:

6-8:00pm Denver; 8-10:00 pm New York; 5-7:00 pm Los Angeles;
10-12:00 am Sydney, Australia (Friday)

  • Session 1: Thursday, January 18, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 2: Thursday, January 25, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 3: Thursday, February 1, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 4: Thursday, February 8, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 5: Thursday, February 15, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 6: Thursday, February 22, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 7: Thursday, February 29, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 8: Thursday, March 7, 6-8:00 pm MST

  • Session 9: Thursday, March 14, 6-8:00 pm MST

Tuition $900

Includes one private coaching call with Christopher (a $325 value)