
What Golf Can Teach Men About Spiritual Practice

What Golf Can Teach Men About Spiritual Practice

As humans, we are easily able to change our minds.

Think about how easy it is to lose your train of thought or forget what you said in conversation only moments earlier. This is because our thoughts are the superficial form of consciousness.

Our thinking patterns, including our core beliefs, are reinforced and sustained by repetition and emotional self-identification.

Going deeper within, our emotions are the next level of consciousness. Our emotions form a bridge between our mind and body; they are somewhat more dense and complex, and we have less control over them than we do our thoughts. Emotions are more complicated to modify because our emotional responses are more challenging to exert conscious power over.

In short, emotions aren't in the mind, and this is what makes them difficult to shift.

Integrating spiritual awakening into everyday life

Integrating spiritual awakening into everyday life

When men go away on retreats or partake in similar spiritual gatherings, we often experience a shift in awareness or a sense of peace more profound than anything we've known before.

After a deep retreat, men come away with a better understanding of what matters most to them in life. However, upon returning home, they may realize this conflicts with their current living circumstances and whom they associate with. It feels like the people, relationships, careers, and families they have seem to be trying to sabotage that positive inner place they've finally found.

This may ring true for you, and my question is: when you find yourself in such a situation, how do you rectify this? How can you meet your desire for solitude and still sustain a livelihood?

The Connection Between Your Arousal and Spiritual Awareness

The Connection Between Your Arousal and Spiritual Awareness

Spirituality and sexuality are vital elements of our human experience - and each can illustrate the highs and lows of our species.

Spirituality spans human history and highlights our search for meaning and understanding of our connection to the universe. It also has led to war, persecution, and discrimination.

Sexuality can be one of the most profound and meaningful experiences people have, or it can be a source of suffering, abuse, and power.

I honor the potential of the human heart, enchanted by sex and spirit, calling us to live with integrity that witnesses the sacred in all aspects of life.