
The Atomic Power of Devotion

The Atomic Power of Devotion

Invite devotion into the sacred core of your being, your innermost sanctum where truth reigns and all emotional evasion and avoidance ends.

Doing so is like initiating nuclear fusion joining heart to Self, tapping into the core power of the universe to feed life and relationships.

It's almost unimaginable how much energy devotion can enable within your life, whether it's caring for a child with disabilities, creating a new business, standing as an activist that heals the world, or creating an intimate relationship fueled by faithfulness and fiery desire.

Devotion empowers and energizes us to do great things, transcend limits, and leave the world fuller with more love, openness, and acceptance.

Leveraging Love to Awaken Yourself

Leveraging Love to Awaken Yourself

Look into a mirror, or look within. How do you see yourself?

Most of us feel a sense of disappointment when we notice the imperfections in our bodies and the quirks of our psyche. We often feel as though we are secondary characters in others’ worlds, that we are not good enough to be the heroes and heroines we yearn for in the world around us.

We are living our lives cautiously from the sidelines.

The Atomic Power of Devotion

The Atomic Power of Devotion

Invite devotion into the sacred core of your being, your innermost sanctum where truth reigns and all emotional evasion and avoidance ends.

Doing so is like initiating nuclear fusion joining heart to Self, tapping into the core power of the universe to feed life and relationships.

It's almost unimaginable how much energy devotion can enable within your life, whether it's caring for a child with disabilities, creating a new business, standing as an activist that heals the world, or creating an intimate relationship fueled by faithfulness and fiery desire.

Devotion empowers and energizes us to do great things, transcend limits, and leave the world fuller with more love, openness, and acceptance.