How can you navigate divorce gracefully and with compassion – for yourself and all those affected – so that you’re free from regret and self-recrimination?
Invite devotion into the sacred core of your being, your innermost sanctum where truth reigns and all emotional evasion and avoidance ends.
Doing so is like initiating nuclear fusion joining heart to Self, tapping into the core power of the universe to feed life and relationships.
It's almost unimaginable how much energy devotion can enable within your life, whether it's caring for a child with disabilities, creating a new business, standing as an activist that heals the world, or creating an intimate relationship fueled by faithfulness and fiery desire.
Devotion empowers and energizes us to do great things, transcend limits, and leave the world fuller with more love, openness, and acceptance.
Accumulated stress makes your physical body vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, and infections. It also makes us susceptible to mental health issues. To get back into the body and reconnect your energy circuitry, you need to learn pragmatic practices of relaxing and allowing the energy in the situation to move you emotionally or physically.
In long-term relationships, we tend to focus on our partner’s limitations or the restrictions they impose on us rather than helping them heal or break free from them.
Intimate attraction isn’t rational; the desires of our bodies are formed over thousands of years, extending back to our most distant ancestors.
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